
func blockSHANI() {}

func roundLoop() {}

func done() {}

var digestPtr

var dataPtr

var numBytes

var sha256Constants

var msg

var state0

var state1

var m0

var m1

var m2

var m3

var m4

var shufMask

var abefSave

var cdghSave

// nop instead of final SHA256MSG1 for first and last few rounds
func nop(m, a VecPhysical) {}

// final SHA256MSG1 for middle rounds that require it
func sha256msg1(m, a VecPhysical) {}

// msg copy for all but rounds 12-15
func vmov(a, b VecPhysical) {}

// reverse copy for rounds 12-15
func vmovrev(a, b VecPhysical) {}

type VecFunc

// sha rounds 0 to 11
// identical with the exception of the final msg op
// which is replaced with a nop for rounds where it is not needed
// refer to Gulley, et al for more information
func rounds0to11(m, a VecPhysical, c int, sha256msg1 VecFunc) {}

// sha rounds 12 to 59
// identical with the exception of the final msg op
// and the reverse copy(m,msg) in round 12 which is required
// after the last data load
// refer to Gulley, et al for more information
func rounds12to59(m VecPhysical, c int, a, t VecPhysical, sha256msg1, movop VecFunc) {}