
const n

const q

const log2q

const k

const η

const du

const dv

const encodingSize12

const encodingSize10

const encodingSize4

const encodingSize1

const messageSize

const decryptionKeySize

const encryptionKeySize

const CiphertextSize

const EncapsulationKeySize

const DecapsulationKeySize

const SharedKeySize

const SeedSize

type DecapsulationKey

// Bytes returns the extended encoding of the decapsulation key, according to
// FIPS 203 (DRAFT).
func (dk *DecapsulationKey) Bytes() []byte {}

// EncapsulationKey returns the public encapsulation key necessary to produce
// ciphertexts.
func (dk *DecapsulationKey) EncapsulationKey() []byte {}

type encryptionKey

type decryptionKey

// GenerateKey generates a new decapsulation key, drawing random bytes from
// crypto/rand. The decapsulation key must be kept secret.
func GenerateKey() (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

func generateKey(dk *DecapsulationKey) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

// NewKeyFromSeed deterministically generates a decapsulation key from a 64-byte
// seed in the "d || z" form. The seed must be uniformly random.
func NewKeyFromSeed(seed []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

func newKeyFromSeed(dk *DecapsulationKey, seed []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

// NewKeyFromExtendedEncoding parses a decapsulation key from its FIPS 203
// (DRAFT) extended encoding.
func NewKeyFromExtendedEncoding(decapsulationKey []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

func newKeyFromExtendedEncoding(dk *DecapsulationKey, dkBytes []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {}

// kemKeyGen generates a decapsulation key.
// It implements ML-KEM.KeyGen according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 15, and
// K-PKE.KeyGen according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 12. The two are merged
// to save copies and allocations.
func kemKeyGen(dk *DecapsulationKey, d, z *[32]byte) *DecapsulationKey {}

// Encapsulate generates a shared key and an associated ciphertext from an
// encapsulation key, drawing random bytes from crypto/rand.
// If the encapsulation key is not valid, Encapsulate returns an error.
// The shared key must be kept secret.
func Encapsulate(encapsulationKey []byte) (ciphertext, sharedKey []byte, err error) {}

func encapsulate(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, encapsulationKey []byte) (ciphertext, sharedKey []byte, err error) {}

// kemEncaps generates a shared key and an associated ciphertext.
// It implements ML-KEM.Encaps according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 16.
func kemEncaps(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, ek []byte, m *[messageSize]byte) (c, K []byte, err error) {}

// parseEK parses an encryption key from its encoded form.
// It implements the initial stages of K-PKE.Encrypt according to FIPS 203
// (DRAFT), Algorithm 13.
func parseEK(ex *encryptionKey, ekPKE []byte) error {}

// pkeEncrypt encrypt a plaintext message.
// It implements K-PKE.Encrypt according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 13,
// although the computation of t and AT is done in parseEK.
func pkeEncrypt(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, ex *encryptionKey, m *[messageSize]byte, rnd []byte) []byte {}

// Decapsulate generates a shared key from a ciphertext and a decapsulation key.
// If the ciphertext is not valid, Decapsulate returns an error.
// The shared key must be kept secret.
func Decapsulate(dk *DecapsulationKey, ciphertext []byte) (sharedKey []byte, err error) {}

// kemDecaps produces a shared key from a ciphertext.
// It implements ML-KEM.Decaps according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 17.
func kemDecaps(dk *DecapsulationKey, c *[CiphertextSize]byte) (K []byte) {}

// parseDK parses a decryption key from its encoded form.
// It implements the computation of s from K-PKE.Decrypt according to FIPS 203
// (DRAFT), Algorithm 14.
func parseDK(dx *decryptionKey, dkPKE []byte) error {}

// pkeDecrypt decrypts a ciphertext.
// It implements K-PKE.Decrypt according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 14,
// although the computation of s is done in parseDK.
func pkeDecrypt(dx *decryptionKey, c *[CiphertextSize]byte) []byte {}

type fieldElement

// fieldCheckReduced checks that a value a is < q.
func fieldCheckReduced(a uint16) (fieldElement, error) {}

// fieldReduceOnce reduces a value a < 2q.
func fieldReduceOnce(a uint16) fieldElement {}

func fieldAdd(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {}

func fieldSub(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {}

const barrettMultiplier

const barrettShift

// fieldReduce reduces a value a < 2q² using Barrett reduction, to avoid
// potentially variable-time division.
func fieldReduce(a uint32) fieldElement {}

func fieldMul(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {}

// fieldMulSub returns a * (b - c). This operation is fused to save a
// fieldReduceOnce after the subtraction.
func fieldMulSub(a, b, c fieldElement) fieldElement {}

// fieldAddMul returns a * b + c * d. This operation is fused to save a
// fieldReduceOnce and a fieldReduce.
func fieldAddMul(a, b, c, d fieldElement) fieldElement {}

// compress maps a field element uniformly to the range 0 to 2ᵈ-1, according to
// FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5.
func compress(x fieldElement, d uint8) uint16 {}

// decompress maps a number x between 0 and 2ᵈ-1 uniformly to the full range of
// field elements, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
func decompress(y uint16, d uint8) fieldElement {}

type ringElement

// polyAdd adds two ringElements or nttElements.
func polyAdd[T ~[n]fieldElement](a, b T) (s T) {}

// polySub subtracts two ringElements or nttElements.
func polySub[T ~[n]fieldElement](a, b T) (s T) {}

// polyByteEncode appends the 384-byte encoding of f to b.
// It implements ByteEncode₁₂, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
func polyByteEncode[T ~[n]fieldElement](b []byte, f T) []byte {}

// polyByteDecode decodes the 384-byte encoding of a polynomial, checking that
// all the coefficients are properly reduced. This achieves the "Modulus check"
// step of ML-KEM Encapsulation Input Validation.
// polyByteDecode is also used in ML-KEM Decapsulation, where the input
// validation is not required, but implicitly allowed by the specification.
// It implements ByteDecode₁₂, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5.
func polyByteDecode[T ~[n]fieldElement](b []byte) (T, error) {}

// sliceForAppend takes a slice and a requested number of bytes. It returns a
// slice with the contents of the given slice followed by that many bytes and a
// second slice that aliases into it and contains only the extra bytes. If the
// original slice has sufficient capacity then no allocation is performed.
func sliceForAppend(in []byte, n int) (head, tail []byte) {}

// ringCompressAndEncode1 appends a 32-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
// compressing one coefficients per bit.
// It implements Compress₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
// followed by ByteEncode₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
func ringCompressAndEncode1(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {}

// ringDecodeAndDecompress1 decodes a 32-byte slice to a ring element where each
// bit is mapped to 0 or ⌈q/2⌋.
// It implements ByteDecode₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
// followed by Decompress₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
func ringDecodeAndDecompress1(b *[encodingSize1]byte) ringElement {}

// ringCompressAndEncode4 appends a 128-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
// compressing two coefficients per byte.
// It implements Compress₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
// followed by ByteEncode₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
func ringCompressAndEncode4(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {}

// ringDecodeAndDecompress4 decodes a 128-byte encoding of a ring element where
// each four bits are mapped to an equidistant distribution.
// It implements ByteDecode₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
// followed by Decompress₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
func ringDecodeAndDecompress4(b *[encodingSize4]byte) ringElement {}

// ringCompressAndEncode10 appends a 320-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
// compressing four coefficients per five bytes.
// It implements Compress₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
// followed by ByteEncode₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
func ringCompressAndEncode10(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {}

// ringDecodeAndDecompress10 decodes a 320-byte encoding of a ring element where
// each ten bits are mapped to an equidistant distribution.
// It implements ByteDecode₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
// followed by Decompress₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
func ringDecodeAndDecompress10(bb *[encodingSize10]byte) ringElement {}

// samplePolyCBD draws a ringElement from the special Dη distribution given a
// stream of random bytes generated by the PRF function, according to FIPS 203
// (DRAFT), Algorithm 7 and Definition 4.1.
func samplePolyCBD(s []byte, b byte) ringElement {}

type nttElement

var gammas

// nttMul multiplies two nttElements.
// It implements MultiplyNTTs, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 10.
func nttMul(f, g nttElement) nttElement {}

var zetas

// ntt maps a ringElement to its nttElement representation.
// It implements NTT, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 8.
func ntt(f ringElement) nttElement {}

// inverseNTT maps a nttElement back to the ringElement it represents.
// It implements NTT⁻¹, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 9.
func inverseNTT(f nttElement) ringElement {}

// sampleNTT draws a uniformly random nttElement from a stream of uniformly
// random bytes generated by the XOF function, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT),
// Algorithm 6 and Definition 4.2.
func sampleNTT(rho []byte, ii, jj byte) nttElement {}