
var Reader

func init() {}

var firstUse

func warnBlocked() {}

type reader

// Read always returns len(b) or an error.
func (r *reader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// fatal is [runtime.fatal], pushed via linkname.
//go:linkname fatal
func fatal(string)

// Read fills b with cryptographically secure random bytes. It never returns an
// error, and always fills b entirely.
// Read calls [io.ReadFull] on [Reader] and crashes the program irrecoverably if
// an error is returned. The default Reader uses operating system APIs that are
// documented to never return an error on all but legacy Linux systems.
func Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}

var urandomOnce

var urandomFile

var urandomErr

func urandomRead(b []byte) error {}