
func emsaPSSEncode(mHash []byte, emBits int, salt []byte, hash hash.Hash) ([]byte, error) {}

func emsaPSSVerify(mHash, em []byte, emBits, sLen int, hash hash.Hash) error {}

// signPSSWithSalt calculates the signature of hashed using PSS with specified salt.
// Note that hashed must be the result of hashing the input message using the
// given hash function. salt is a random sequence of bytes whose length will be
// later used to verify the signature.
func signPSSWithSalt(priv *PrivateKey, hash crypto.Hash, hashed, salt []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

const PSSSaltLengthAuto

const PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash

type PSSOptions

// HashFunc returns opts.Hash so that [PSSOptions] implements [crypto.SignerOpts].
func (opts *PSSOptions) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {}

func (opts *PSSOptions) saltLength() int {}

var invalidSaltLenErr

// SignPSS calculates the signature of digest using PSS.
// digest must be the result of hashing the input message using the given hash
// function. The opts argument may be nil, in which case sensible defaults are
// used. If opts.Hash is set, it overrides hash.
// The signature is randomized depending on the message, key, and salt size,
// using bytes from rand. Most applications should use [crypto/rand.Reader] as
// rand.
func SignPSS(rand io.Reader, priv *PrivateKey, hash crypto.Hash, digest []byte, opts *PSSOptions) ([]byte, error) {}

// VerifyPSS verifies a PSS signature.
// A valid signature is indicated by returning a nil error. digest must be the
// result of hashing the input message using the given hash function. The opts
// argument may be nil, in which case sensible defaults are used. opts.Hash is
// ignored.
// The inputs are not considered confidential, and may leak through timing side
// channels, or if an attacker has control of part of the inputs.
func VerifyPSS(pub *PublicKey, hash crypto.Hash, digest []byte, sig []byte, opts *PSSOptions) error {}