
const VersionTLS10

const VersionTLS11

const VersionTLS12

const VersionTLS13

const VersionSSL30

// VersionName returns the name for the provided TLS version number
// (e.g. "TLS 1.3"), or a fallback representation of the value if the
// version is not implemented by this package.
func VersionName(version uint16) string {}

const maxPlaintext

const maxCiphertext

const maxCiphertextTLS13

const recordHeaderLen

const maxHandshake

const maxHandshakeCertificateMsg

const maxUselessRecords

type recordType

const recordTypeChangeCipherSpec

const recordTypeAlert

const recordTypeHandshake

const recordTypeApplicationData

const typeHelloRequest

const typeClientHello

const typeServerHello

const typeNewSessionTicket

const typeEndOfEarlyData

const typeEncryptedExtensions

const typeCertificate

const typeServerKeyExchange

const typeCertificateRequest

const typeServerHelloDone

const typeCertificateVerify

const typeClientKeyExchange

const typeFinished

const typeCertificateStatus

const typeKeyUpdate

const typeMessageHash

const compressionNone

const extensionServerName

const extensionStatusRequest

const extensionSupportedCurves

const extensionSupportedPoints

const extensionSignatureAlgorithms

const extensionALPN

const extensionSCT

const extensionExtendedMasterSecret

const extensionSessionTicket

const extensionPreSharedKey

const extensionEarlyData

const extensionSupportedVersions

const extensionCookie

const extensionPSKModes

const extensionCertificateAuthorities

const extensionSignatureAlgorithmsCert

const extensionKeyShare

const extensionQUICTransportParameters

const extensionRenegotiationInfo

const extensionECHOuterExtensions

const extensionEncryptedClientHello

const scsvRenegotiation

type CurveID

const CurveP256

const CurveP384

const CurveP521

const X25519

const x25519Kyber768Draft00

type keyShare

const pskModePlain

const pskModeDHE

type pskIdentity

const pointFormatUncompressed

const statusTypeOCSP

const certTypeRSASign

const certTypeECDSASign

const signaturePKCS1v15

const signatureRSAPSS

const signatureECDSA

const signatureEd25519

var directSigning

var helloRetryRequestRandom

const downgradeCanaryTLS12

const downgradeCanaryTLS11

var testingOnlyForceDowngradeCanary

type ConnectionState

// ExportKeyingMaterial returns length bytes of exported key material in a new
// slice as defined in RFC 5705. If context is nil, it is not used as part of
// the seed. If the connection was set to allow renegotiation via
// Config.Renegotiation, or if the connections supports neither TLS 1.3 nor
// Extended Master Secret, this function will return an error.
// Exporting key material without Extended Master Secret or TLS 1.3 was disabled
// in Go 1.22 due to security issues (see the Security Considerations sections
// of RFC 5705 and RFC 7627), but can be re-enabled with the GODEBUG setting
// tlsunsafeekm=1.
func (cs *ConnectionState) ExportKeyingMaterial(label string, context []byte, length int) ([]byte, error) {}

type ClientAuthType

const NoClientCert

const RequestClientCert

const RequireAnyClientCert

const VerifyClientCertIfGiven

const RequireAndVerifyClientCert

// requiresClientCert reports whether the ClientAuthType requires a client
// certificate to be provided.
func requiresClientCert(c ClientAuthType) bool {}

type ClientSessionCache

type SignatureScheme

const PKCS1WithSHA256

const PKCS1WithSHA384

const PKCS1WithSHA512

const PSSWithSHA256

const PSSWithSHA384

const PSSWithSHA512

const ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256

const ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384

const ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512

const Ed25519

const PKCS1WithSHA1

const ECDSAWithSHA1

type ClientHelloInfo

// Context returns the context of the handshake that is in progress.
// This context is a child of the context passed to HandshakeContext,
// if any, and is canceled when the handshake concludes.
func (c *ClientHelloInfo) Context() context.Context {}

type CertificateRequestInfo

// Context returns the context of the handshake that is in progress.
// This context is a child of the context passed to HandshakeContext,
// if any, and is canceled when the handshake concludes.
func (c *CertificateRequestInfo) Context() context.Context {}

type RenegotiationSupport

const RenegotiateNever

const RenegotiateOnceAsClient

const RenegotiateFreelyAsClient

type Config

const ticketKeyLifetime

const ticketKeyRotation

type ticketKey

// ticketKeyFromBytes converts from the external representation of a session
// ticket key to a ticketKey. Externally, session ticket keys are 32 random
// bytes and this function expands that into sufficient name and key material.
func (c *Config) ticketKeyFromBytes(b [32]byte) (key ticketKey) {}

const maxSessionTicketLifetime

// Clone returns a shallow clone of c or nil if c is nil. It is safe to clone a [Config] that is
// being used concurrently by a TLS client or server.
func (c *Config) Clone() *Config {}

var deprecatedSessionTicketKey

// initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked ensures the legacy SessionTicketKey field is
// randomized if empty, and that sessionTicketKeys is populated from it otherwise.
func (c *Config) initLegacySessionTicketKeyRLocked() {}

// ticketKeys returns the ticketKeys for this connection.
// If configForClient has explicitly set keys, those will
// be returned. Otherwise, the keys on c will be used and
// may be rotated if auto-managed.
// During rotation, any expired session ticket keys are deleted from
// c.sessionTicketKeys. If the session ticket key that is currently
// encrypting tickets (ie. the first ticketKey in c.sessionTicketKeys)
// is not fresh, then a new session ticket key will be
// created and prepended to c.sessionTicketKeys.
func (c *Config) ticketKeys(configForClient *Config) []ticketKey {}

// SetSessionTicketKeys updates the session ticket keys for a server.
// The first key will be used when creating new tickets, while all keys can be
// used for decrypting tickets. It is safe to call this function while the
// server is running in order to rotate the session ticket keys. The function
// will panic if keys is empty.
// Calling this function will turn off automatic session ticket key rotation.
// If multiple servers are terminating connections for the same host they should
// all have the same session ticket keys. If the session ticket keys leaks,
// previously recorded and future TLS connections using those keys might be
// compromised.
func (c *Config) SetSessionTicketKeys(keys [][32]byte) {}

func (c *Config) rand() io.Reader {}

func (c *Config) time() time.Time {}

func (c *Config) cipherSuites() []uint16 {}

var supportedVersions

const roleClient

const roleServer

var tls10server

func (c *Config) supportedVersions(isClient bool) []uint16 {}

func (c *Config) maxSupportedVersion(isClient bool) uint16 {}

// supportedVersionsFromMax returns a list of supported versions derived from a
// legacy maximum version value. Note that only versions supported by this
// library are returned. Any newer peer will use supportedVersions anyway.
func supportedVersionsFromMax(maxVersion uint16) []uint16 {}

func (c *Config) curvePreferences(version uint16) []CurveID {}

func (c *Config) supportsCurve(version uint16, curve CurveID) bool {}

// mutualVersion returns the protocol version to use given the advertised
// versions of the peer. Priority is given to the peer preference order.
func (c *Config) mutualVersion(isClient bool, peerVersions []uint16) (uint16, bool) {}

var errNoCertificates

// getCertificate returns the best certificate for the given ClientHelloInfo,
// defaulting to the first element of c.Certificates.
func (c *Config) getCertificate(clientHello *ClientHelloInfo) (*Certificate, error) {}

// SupportsCertificate returns nil if the provided certificate is supported by
// the client that sent the ClientHello. Otherwise, it returns an error
// describing the reason for the incompatibility.
// If this [ClientHelloInfo] was passed to a GetConfigForClient or GetCertificate
// callback, this method will take into account the associated [Config]. Note that
// if GetConfigForClient returns a different [Config], the change can't be
// accounted for by this method.
// This function will call x509.ParseCertificate unless c.Leaf is set, which can
// incur a significant performance cost.
func (chi *ClientHelloInfo) SupportsCertificate(c *Certificate) error {}

// SupportsCertificate returns nil if the provided certificate is supported by
// the server that sent the CertificateRequest. Otherwise, it returns an error
// describing the reason for the incompatibility.
func (cri *CertificateRequestInfo) SupportsCertificate(c *Certificate) error {}

// BuildNameToCertificate parses c.Certificates and builds c.NameToCertificate
// from the CommonName and SubjectAlternateName fields of each of the leaf
// certificates.
// Deprecated: NameToCertificate only allows associating a single certificate
// with a given name. Leave that field nil to let the library select the first
// compatible chain from Certificates.
func (c *Config) BuildNameToCertificate() {}

const keyLogLabelTLS12

const keyLogLabelClientHandshake

const keyLogLabelServerHandshake

const keyLogLabelClientTraffic

const keyLogLabelServerTraffic

func (c *Config) writeKeyLog(label string, clientRandom, secret []byte) error {}

var writerMutex

type Certificate

// leaf returns the parsed leaf certificate, either from c.Leaf or by parsing
// the corresponding c.Certificate[0].
func (c *Certificate) leaf() (*x509.Certificate, error) {}

type handshakeMessage

type handshakeMessageWithOriginalBytes

type lruSessionCache

type lruSessionCacheEntry

// NewLRUClientSessionCache returns a [ClientSessionCache] with the given
// capacity that uses an LRU strategy. If capacity is < 1, a default capacity
// is used instead.
func NewLRUClientSessionCache(capacity int) ClientSessionCache {}

// Put adds the provided (sessionKey, cs) pair to the cache. If cs is nil, the entry
// corresponding to sessionKey is removed from the cache instead.
func (c *lruSessionCache) Put(sessionKey string, cs *ClientSessionState) {}

// Get returns the [ClientSessionState] value associated with a given key. It
// returns (nil, false) if no value is found.
func (c *lruSessionCache) Get(sessionKey string) (*ClientSessionState, bool) {}

var emptyConfig

func defaultConfig() *Config {}

func unexpectedMessageError(wanted, got any) error {}

// supportedSignatureAlgorithms returns the supported signature algorithms.
func supportedSignatureAlgorithms() []SignatureScheme {}

func isSupportedSignatureAlgorithm(sigAlg SignatureScheme, supportedSignatureAlgorithms []SignatureScheme) bool {}

type CertificateVerificationError

func (e *CertificateVerificationError) Error() string {}

func (e *CertificateVerificationError) Unwrap() error {}