
type Conn

// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
func (c *Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {}

// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
func (c *Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {}

// SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated with the connection.
// A zero value for t means [Conn.Read] and [Conn.Write] will not time out.
// After a Write has timed out, the TLS state is corrupt and all future writes will return the same error.
func (c *Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {}

// SetReadDeadline sets the read deadline on the underlying connection.
// A zero value for t means [Conn.Read] will not time out.
func (c *Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {}

// SetWriteDeadline sets the write deadline on the underlying connection.
// A zero value for t means [Conn.Write] will not time out.
// After a [Conn.Write] has timed out, the TLS state is corrupt and all future writes will return the same error.
func (c *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {}

// NetConn returns the underlying connection that is wrapped by c.
// Note that writing to or reading from this connection directly will corrupt the
// TLS session.
func (c *Conn) NetConn() net.Conn {}

type halfConn

type permanentError

func (e *permanentError) Error() string   {}

func (e *permanentError) Unwrap() error   {}

func (e *permanentError) Timeout() bool   {}

func (e *permanentError) Temporary() bool {}

func (hc *halfConn) setErrorLocked(err error) error {}

// prepareCipherSpec sets the encryption and MAC states
// that a subsequent changeCipherSpec will use.
func (hc *halfConn) prepareCipherSpec(version uint16, cipher any, mac hash.Hash) {}

// changeCipherSpec changes the encryption and MAC states
// to the ones previously passed to prepareCipherSpec.
func (hc *halfConn) changeCipherSpec() error {}

func (hc *halfConn) setTrafficSecret(suite *cipherSuiteTLS13, level QUICEncryptionLevel, secret []byte) {}

// incSeq increments the sequence number.
func (hc *halfConn) incSeq() {}

// explicitNonceLen returns the number of bytes of explicit nonce or IV included
// in each record. Explicit nonces are present only in CBC modes after TLS 1.0
// and in certain AEAD modes in TLS 1.2.
func (hc *halfConn) explicitNonceLen() int {}

// extractPadding returns, in constant time, the length of the padding to remove
// from the end of payload. It also returns a byte which is equal to 255 if the
// padding was valid and 0 otherwise. See RFC 2246, Section
func extractPadding(payload []byte) (toRemove int, good byte) {}

func roundUp(a, b int) int {}

type cbcMode

// decrypt authenticates and decrypts the record if protection is active at
// this stage. The returned plaintext might overlap with the input.
func (hc *halfConn) decrypt(record []byte) ([]byte, recordType, error) {}

// sliceForAppend extends the input slice by n bytes. head is the full extended
// slice, while tail is the appended part. If the original slice has sufficient
// capacity no allocation is performed.
func sliceForAppend(in []byte, n int) (head, tail []byte) {}

// encrypt encrypts payload, adding the appropriate nonce and/or MAC, and
// appends it to record, which must already contain the record header.
func (hc *halfConn) encrypt(record, payload []byte, rand io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {}

type RecordHeaderError

func (e RecordHeaderError) Error() string {}

func (c *Conn) newRecordHeaderError(conn net.Conn, msg string) (err RecordHeaderError) {}

func (c *Conn) readRecord() error {}

func (c *Conn) readChangeCipherSpec() error {}

// readRecordOrCCS reads one or more TLS records from the connection and
// updates the record layer state. Some invariants:
//   - c.in must be locked
//   - c.input must be empty
// During the handshake one and only one of the following will happen:
//   - c.hand grows
//   - c.in.changeCipherSpec is called
//   - an error is returned
// After the handshake one and only one of the following will happen:
//   - c.hand grows
//   - c.input is set
//   - an error is returned
func (c *Conn) readRecordOrCCS(expectChangeCipherSpec bool) error {}

// retryReadRecord recurs into readRecordOrCCS to drop a non-advancing record, like
// a warning alert, empty application_data, or a change_cipher_spec in TLS 1.3.
func (c *Conn) retryReadRecord(expectChangeCipherSpec bool) error {}

type atLeastReader

func (r *atLeastReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {}

// readFromUntil reads from r into c.rawInput until c.rawInput contains
// at least n bytes or else returns an error.
func (c *Conn) readFromUntil(r io.Reader, n int) error {}

// sendAlertLocked sends a TLS alert message.
func (c *Conn) sendAlertLocked(err alert) error {}

// sendAlert sends a TLS alert message.
func (c *Conn) sendAlert(err alert) error {}

const tcpMSSEstimate

const recordSizeBoostThreshold

// maxPayloadSizeForWrite returns the maximum TLS payload size to use for the
// next application data record. There is the following trade-off:
//   - For latency-sensitive applications, such as web browsing, each TLS
//     record should fit in one TCP segment.
//   - For throughput-sensitive applications, such as large file transfers,
//     larger TLS records better amortize framing and encryption overheads.
// A simple heuristic that works well in practice is to use small records for
// the first 1MB of data, then use larger records for subsequent data, and
// reset back to smaller records after the connection becomes idle. See "High
// Performance Web Networking", Chapter 4, or:
// https://www.igvita.com/2013/10/24/optimizing-tls-record-size-and-buffering-latency/
// In the interests of simplicity and determinism, this code does not attempt
// to reset the record size once the connection is idle, however.
func (c *Conn) maxPayloadSizeForWrite(typ recordType) int {}

func (c *Conn) write(data []byte) (int, error) {}

func (c *Conn) flush() (int, error) {}

var outBufPool

// writeRecordLocked writes a TLS record with the given type and payload to the
// connection and updates the record layer state.
func (c *Conn) writeRecordLocked(typ recordType, data []byte) (int, error) {}

// writeHandshakeRecord writes a handshake message to the connection and updates
// the record layer state. If transcript is non-nil the marshaled message is
// written to it.
func (c *Conn) writeHandshakeRecord(msg handshakeMessage, transcript transcriptHash) (int, error) {}

// writeChangeCipherRecord writes a ChangeCipherSpec message to the connection and
// updates the record layer state.
func (c *Conn) writeChangeCipherRecord() error {}

// readHandshakeBytes reads handshake data until c.hand contains at least n bytes.
func (c *Conn) readHandshakeBytes(n int) error {}

// readHandshake reads the next handshake message from
// the record layer. If transcript is non-nil, the message
// is written to the passed transcriptHash.
func (c *Conn) readHandshake(transcript transcriptHash) (any, error) {}

func (c *Conn) unmarshalHandshakeMessage(data []byte, transcript transcriptHash) (handshakeMessage, error) {}

var errShutdown

// Write writes data to the connection.
// As Write calls [Conn.Handshake], in order to prevent indefinite blocking a deadline
// must be set for both [Conn.Read] and Write before Write is called when the handshake
// has not yet completed. See [Conn.SetDeadline], [Conn.SetReadDeadline], and
// [Conn.SetWriteDeadline].
func (c *Conn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

// handleRenegotiation processes a HelloRequest handshake message.
func (c *Conn) handleRenegotiation() error {}

// handlePostHandshakeMessage processes a handshake message arrived after the
// handshake is complete. Up to TLS 1.2, it indicates the start of a renegotiation.
func (c *Conn) handlePostHandshakeMessage() error {}

func (c *Conn) handleKeyUpdate(keyUpdate *keyUpdateMsg) error {}

// Read reads data from the connection.
// As Read calls [Conn.Handshake], in order to prevent indefinite blocking a deadline
// must be set for both Read and [Conn.Write] before Read is called when the handshake
// has not yet completed. See [Conn.SetDeadline], [Conn.SetReadDeadline], and
// [Conn.SetWriteDeadline].
func (c *Conn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {}

// Close closes the connection.
func (c *Conn) Close() error {}

var errEarlyCloseWrite

// CloseWrite shuts down the writing side of the connection. It should only be
// called once the handshake has completed and does not call CloseWrite on the
// underlying connection. Most callers should just use [Conn.Close].
func (c *Conn) CloseWrite() error {}

func (c *Conn) closeNotify() error {}

// Handshake runs the client or server handshake
// protocol if it has not yet been run.
// Most uses of this package need not call Handshake explicitly: the
// first [Conn.Read] or [Conn.Write] will call it automatically.
// For control over canceling or setting a timeout on a handshake, use
// [Conn.HandshakeContext] or the [Dialer]'s DialContext method instead.
// In order to avoid denial of service attacks, the maximum RSA key size allowed
// in certificates sent by either the TLS server or client is limited to 8192
// bits. This limit can be overridden by setting tlsmaxrsasize in the GODEBUG
// environment variable (e.g. GODEBUG=tlsmaxrsasize=4096).
func (c *Conn) Handshake() error {}

// HandshakeContext runs the client or server handshake
// protocol if it has not yet been run.
// The provided Context must be non-nil. If the context is canceled before
// the handshake is complete, the handshake is interrupted and an error is returned.
// Once the handshake has completed, cancellation of the context will not affect the
// connection.
// Most uses of this package need not call HandshakeContext explicitly: the
// first [Conn.Read] or [Conn.Write] will call it automatically.
func (c *Conn) HandshakeContext(ctx context.Context) error {}

func (c *Conn) handshakeContext(ctx context.Context) (ret error) {}

// ConnectionState returns basic TLS details about the connection.
func (c *Conn) ConnectionState() ConnectionState {}

var tlsunsafeekm

func (c *Conn) connectionStateLocked() ConnectionState {}

// OCSPResponse returns the stapled OCSP response from the TLS server, if
// any. (Only valid for client connections.)
func (c *Conn) OCSPResponse() []byte {}

// VerifyHostname checks that the peer certificate chain is valid for
// connecting to host. If so, it returns nil; if not, it returns an error
// describing the problem.
func (c *Conn) VerifyHostname(host string) error {}