
type clientHandshakeState

var testingOnlyForceClientHelloSignatureAlgorithms

func (c *Conn) makeClientHello() (*clientHelloMsg, *keySharePrivateKeys, *echContext, error) {}

type echContext

func (c *Conn) clientHandshake(ctx context.Context) (err error) {}

func (c *Conn) loadSession(hello *clientHelloMsg) (
	session *SessionState, earlySecret, binderKey []byte, err error) {}

func (c *Conn) pickTLSVersion(serverHello *serverHelloMsg) error {}

// Does the handshake, either a full one or resumes old session. Requires hs.c,
// hs.hello, hs.serverHello, and, optionally, hs.session to be set.
func (hs *clientHandshakeState) handshake() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) pickCipherSuite() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) doFullHandshake() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) establishKeys() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) serverResumedSession() bool {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) processServerHello() (bool, error) {}

// checkALPN ensure that the server's choice of ALPN protocol is compatible with
// the protocols that we advertised in the Client Hello.
func checkALPN(clientProtos []string, serverProto string, quic bool) error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) readFinished(out []byte) error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) readSessionTicket() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) saveSessionTicket() error {}

func (hs *clientHandshakeState) sendFinished(out []byte) error {}

const defaultMaxRSAKeySize

var tlsmaxrsasize

func checkKeySize(n int) (max int, ok bool) {}

// verifyServerCertificate parses and verifies the provided chain, setting
// c.verifiedChains and c.peerCertificates or sending the appropriate alert.
func (c *Conn) verifyServerCertificate(certificates [][]byte) error {}

// certificateRequestInfoFromMsg generates a CertificateRequestInfo from a TLS
// <= 1.2 CertificateRequest, making an effort to fill in missing information.
func certificateRequestInfoFromMsg(ctx context.Context, vers uint16, certReq *certificateRequestMsg) *CertificateRequestInfo {}

func (c *Conn) getClientCertificate(cri *CertificateRequestInfo) (*Certificate, error) {}

// clientSessionCacheKey returns a key used to cache sessionTickets that could
// be used to resume previously negotiated TLS sessions with a server.
func (c *Conn) clientSessionCacheKey() string {}

// hostnameInSNI converts name into an appropriate hostname for SNI.
// Literal IP addresses and absolute FQDNs are not permitted as SNI values.
// See RFC 6066, Section 3.
func hostnameInSNI(name string) string {}

func computeAndUpdatePSK(m *clientHelloMsg, binderKey []byte, transcript hash.Hash, finishedHash func([]byte, hash.Hash) []byte) error {}