
// Split a premaster secret in two as specified in RFC 4346, Section 5.
func splitPreMasterSecret(secret []byte) (s1, s2 []byte) {}

// pHash implements the P_hash function, as defined in RFC 4346, Section 5.
func pHash(result, secret, seed []byte, hash func() hash.Hash) {}

// prf10 implements the TLS 1.0 pseudo-random function, as defined in RFC 2246, Section 5.
func prf10(result, secret, label, seed []byte) {}

// prf12 implements the TLS 1.2 pseudo-random function, as defined in RFC 5246, Section 5.
func prf12(hashFunc func() hash.Hash) func(result, secret, label, seed []byte) {}

const masterSecretLength

const finishedVerifyLength

var masterSecretLabel

var extendedMasterSecretLabel

var keyExpansionLabel

var clientFinishedLabel

var serverFinishedLabel

func prfAndHashForVersion(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite) (func(result, secret, label, seed []byte), crypto.Hash) {}

func prfForVersion(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite) func(result, secret, label, seed []byte) {}

// masterFromPreMasterSecret generates the master secret from the pre-master
// secret. See RFC 5246, Section 8.1.
func masterFromPreMasterSecret(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite, preMasterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom []byte) []byte {}

// extMasterFromPreMasterSecret generates the extended master secret from the
// pre-master secret. See RFC 7627.
func extMasterFromPreMasterSecret(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite, preMasterSecret, transcript []byte) []byte {}

// keysFromMasterSecret generates the connection keys from the master
// secret, given the lengths of the MAC key, cipher key and IV, as defined in
// RFC 2246, Section 6.3.
func keysFromMasterSecret(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom []byte, macLen, keyLen, ivLen int) (clientMAC, serverMAC, clientKey, serverKey, clientIV, serverIV []byte) {}

func newFinishedHash(version uint16, cipherSuite *cipherSuite) finishedHash {}

type finishedHash

func (h *finishedHash) Write(msg []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func (h finishedHash) Sum() []byte {}

// clientSum returns the contents of the verify_data member of a client's
// Finished message.
func (h finishedHash) clientSum(masterSecret []byte) []byte {}

// serverSum returns the contents of the verify_data member of a server's
// Finished message.
func (h finishedHash) serverSum(masterSecret []byte) []byte {}

// hashForClientCertificate returns the handshake messages so far, pre-hashed if
// necessary, suitable for signing by a TLS client certificate.
func (h finishedHash) hashForClientCertificate(sigType uint8, hashAlg crypto.Hash) []byte {}

// discardHandshakeBuffer is called when there is no more need to
// buffer the entirety of the handshake messages.
func (h *finishedHash) discardHandshakeBuffer() {}

// noEKMBecauseRenegotiation is used as a value of
// ConnectionState.ekm when renegotiation is enabled and thus
// we wish to fail all key-material export requests.
func noEKMBecauseRenegotiation(label string, context []byte, length int) ([]byte, error) {}

// noEKMBecauseNoEMS is used as a value of ConnectionState.ekm when Extended
// Master Secret is not negotiated and thus we wish to fail all key-material
// export requests.
func noEKMBecauseNoEMS(label string, context []byte, length int) ([]byte, error) {}

// ekmFromMasterSecret generates exported keying material as defined in RFC 5705.
func ekmFromMasterSecret(version uint16, suite *cipherSuite, masterSecret, clientRandom, serverRandom []byte) func(string, []byte, int) ([]byte, error) {}