
type SessionState

// Bytes encodes the session, including any private fields, so that it can be
// parsed by [ParseSessionState]. The encoding contains secret values critical
// to the security of future and possibly past sessions.
// The specific encoding should be considered opaque and may change incompatibly
// between Go versions.
func (s *SessionState) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {}

func certificatesToBytesSlice(certs []*x509.Certificate) [][]byte {}

// ParseSessionState parses a [SessionState] encoded by [SessionState.Bytes].
func ParseSessionState(data []byte) (*SessionState, error) {}

// sessionState returns a partially filled-out [SessionState] with information
// from the current connection.
func (c *Conn) sessionState() *SessionState {}

// EncryptTicket encrypts a ticket with the [Config]'s configured (or default)
// session ticket keys. It can be used as a [Config.WrapSession] implementation.
func (c *Config) EncryptTicket(cs ConnectionState, ss *SessionState) ([]byte, error) {}

func (c *Config) encryptTicket(state []byte, ticketKeys []ticketKey) ([]byte, error) {}

// DecryptTicket decrypts a ticket encrypted by [Config.EncryptTicket]. It can
// be used as a [Config.UnwrapSession] implementation.
// If the ticket can't be decrypted or parsed, DecryptTicket returns (nil, nil).
func (c *Config) DecryptTicket(identity []byte, cs ConnectionState) (*SessionState, error) {}

func (c *Config) decryptTicket(encrypted []byte, ticketKeys []ticketKey) []byte {}

type ClientSessionState

// ResumptionState returns the session ticket sent by the server (also known as
// the session's identity) and the state necessary to resume this session.
// It can be called by [ClientSessionCache.Put] to serialize (with
// [SessionState.Bytes]) and store the session.
func (cs *ClientSessionState) ResumptionState() (ticket []byte, state *SessionState, err error) {}

// NewResumptionState returns a state value that can be returned by
// [ClientSessionCache.Get] to resume a previous session.
// state needs to be returned by [ParseSessionState], and the ticket and session
// state must have been returned by [ClientSessionState.ResumptionState].
func NewResumptionState(ticket []byte, state *SessionState) (*ClientSessionState, error) {}