
type sum224

type CertPool

type lazyCert

// NewCertPool returns a new, empty CertPool.
func NewCertPool() *CertPool {}

// len returns the number of certs in the set.
// A nil set is a valid empty set.
func (s *CertPool) len() int {}

// cert returns cert index n in s.
func (s *CertPool) cert(n int) (*Certificate, func([]*Certificate) error, error) {}

// Clone returns a copy of s.
func (s *CertPool) Clone() *CertPool {}

// SystemCertPool returns a copy of the system cert pool.
// On Unix systems other than macOS the environment variables SSL_CERT_FILE and
// SSL_CERT_DIR can be used to override the system default locations for the SSL
// certificate file and SSL certificate files directory, respectively. The
// latter can be a colon-separated list.
// Any mutations to the returned pool are not written to disk and do not affect
// any other pool returned by SystemCertPool.
// New changes in the system cert pool might not be reflected in subsequent calls.
func SystemCertPool() (*CertPool, error) {}

type potentialParent

// findPotentialParents returns the certificates in s which might have signed
// cert.
func (s *CertPool) findPotentialParents(cert *Certificate) []potentialParent {}

func (s *CertPool) contains(cert *Certificate) bool {}

// AddCert adds a certificate to a pool.
func (s *CertPool) AddCert(cert *Certificate) {}

// addCertFunc adds metadata about a certificate to a pool, along with
// a func to fetch that certificate later when needed.
// The rawSubject is Certificate.RawSubject and must be non-empty.
// The getCert func may be called 0 or more times.
func (s *CertPool) addCertFunc(rawSum224 sum224, rawSubject string, getCert func() (*Certificate, error), constraint func([]*Certificate) error) {}

// AppendCertsFromPEM attempts to parse a series of PEM encoded certificates.
// It appends any certificates found to s and reports whether any certificates
// were successfully parsed.
// On many Linux systems, /etc/ssl/cert.pem will contain the system wide set
// of root CAs in a format suitable for this function.
func (s *CertPool) AppendCertsFromPEM(pemCerts []byte) (ok bool) {}

// Subjects returns a list of the DER-encoded subjects of
// all of the certificates in the pool.
// Deprecated: if s was returned by [SystemCertPool], Subjects
// will not include the system roots.
func (s *CertPool) Subjects() [][]byte {}

// Equal reports whether s and other are equal.
func (s *CertPool) Equal(other *CertPool) bool {}

// AddCertWithConstraint adds a certificate to the pool with the additional
// constraint. When Certificate.Verify builds a chain which is rooted by cert,
// it will additionally pass the whole chain to constraint to determine its
// validity. If constraint returns a non-nil error, the chain will be discarded.
// constraint may be called concurrently from multiple goroutines.
func (s *CertPool) AddCertWithConstraint(cert *Certificate, constraint func([]*Certificate) error) {}