
type AlgorithmIdentifier

type RDNSequence

var attributeTypeNames

// String returns a string representation of the sequence r,
// roughly following the RFC 2253 Distinguished Names syntax.
func (r RDNSequence) String() string {}

type RelativeDistinguishedNameSET

type AttributeTypeAndValue

type AttributeTypeAndValueSET

type Extension

type Name

// FillFromRDNSequence populates n from the provided [RDNSequence].
// Multi-entry RDNs are flattened, all entries are added to the
// relevant n fields, and the grouping is not preserved.
func (n *Name) FillFromRDNSequence(rdns *RDNSequence) {}

var oidCountry

var oidOrganization

var oidOrganizationalUnit

var oidCommonName

var oidSerialNumber

var oidLocality

var oidProvince

var oidStreetAddress

var oidPostalCode

// appendRDNs appends a relativeDistinguishedNameSET to the given RDNSequence
// and returns the new value. The relativeDistinguishedNameSET contains an
// attributeTypeAndValue for each of the given values. See RFC 5280, A.1, and
// search for AttributeTypeAndValue.
func (n Name) appendRDNs(in RDNSequence, values []string, oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier) RDNSequence {}

// ToRDNSequence converts n into a single [RDNSequence]. The following
// attributes are encoded as multi-value RDNs:
//   - Country
//   - Organization
//   - OrganizationalUnit
//   - Locality
//   - Province
//   - StreetAddress
//   - PostalCode
// Each ExtraNames entry is encoded as an individual RDN.
func (n Name) ToRDNSequence() (ret RDNSequence) {}

// String returns the string form of n, roughly following
// the RFC 2253 Distinguished Names syntax.
func (n Name) String() string {}

// oidInAttributeTypeAndValue reports whether a type with the given OID exists
// in atv.
func oidInAttributeTypeAndValue(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier, atv []AttributeTypeAndValue) bool {}

type CertificateList

// HasExpired reports whether certList should have been updated by now.
func (certList *CertificateList) HasExpired(now time.Time) bool {}

type TBSCertificateList

type RevokedCertificate