
type pkixPublicKey

// ParsePKIXPublicKey parses a public key in PKIX, ASN.1 DER form. The encoded
// public key is a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure (see RFC 5280, Section 4.1).
// It returns a *[rsa.PublicKey], *[dsa.PublicKey], *[ecdsa.PublicKey],
// [ed25519.PublicKey] (not a pointer), or *[ecdh.PublicKey] (for X25519).
// More types might be supported in the future.
// This kind of key is commonly encoded in PEM blocks of type "PUBLIC KEY".
func ParsePKIXPublicKey(derBytes []byte) (pub any, err error) {}

func marshalPublicKey(pub any) (publicKeyBytes []byte, publicKeyAlgorithm pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, err error) {}

// MarshalPKIXPublicKey converts a public key to PKIX, ASN.1 DER form.
// The encoded public key is a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure
// (see RFC 5280, Section 4.1).
// The following key types are currently supported: *[rsa.PublicKey],
// *[ecdsa.PublicKey], [ed25519.PublicKey] (not a pointer), and *[ecdh.PublicKey].
// Unsupported key types result in an error.
// This kind of key is commonly encoded in PEM blocks of type "PUBLIC KEY".
func MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub any) ([]byte, error) {}

type certificate

type tbsCertificate

type dsaAlgorithmParameters

type validity

type publicKeyInfo

type authKeyId

type SignatureAlgorithm

const UnknownSignatureAlgorithm

const MD2WithRSA

const MD5WithRSA

const SHA1WithRSA

const SHA256WithRSA

const SHA384WithRSA

const SHA512WithRSA

const DSAWithSHA1

const DSAWithSHA256

const ECDSAWithSHA1

const ECDSAWithSHA256

const ECDSAWithSHA384

const ECDSAWithSHA512

const SHA256WithRSAPSS

const SHA384WithRSAPSS

const SHA512WithRSAPSS

const PureEd25519

func (algo SignatureAlgorithm) isRSAPSS() bool {}

func (algo SignatureAlgorithm) hashFunc() crypto.Hash {}

func (algo SignatureAlgorithm) String() string {}

type PublicKeyAlgorithm

const UnknownPublicKeyAlgorithm

const RSA

const DSA

const ECDSA

const Ed25519

var publicKeyAlgoName

func (algo PublicKeyAlgorithm) String() string {}

var oidSignatureMD5WithRSA

var oidSignatureSHA1WithRSA

var oidSignatureSHA256WithRSA

var oidSignatureSHA384WithRSA

var oidSignatureSHA512WithRSA

var oidSignatureRSAPSS

var oidSignatureDSAWithSHA1

var oidSignatureDSAWithSHA256

var oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA1

var oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA256

var oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA384

var oidSignatureECDSAWithSHA512

var oidSignatureEd25519

var oidSHA256

var oidSHA384

var oidSHA512

var oidMGF1

var oidISOSignatureSHA1WithRSA

var signatureAlgorithmDetails

var emptyRawValue

var pssParametersSHA256

var pssParametersSHA384

var pssParametersSHA512

type pssParameters

func getSignatureAlgorithmFromAI(ai pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier) SignatureAlgorithm {}

var oidPublicKeyRSA

var oidPublicKeyDSA

var oidPublicKeyECDSA

var oidPublicKeyX25519

var oidPublicKeyEd25519

// getPublicKeyAlgorithmFromOID returns the exposed PublicKeyAlgorithm
// identifier for public key types supported in certificates and CSRs. Marshal
// and Parse functions may support a different set of public key types.
func getPublicKeyAlgorithmFromOID(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier) PublicKeyAlgorithm {}

var oidNamedCurveP224

var oidNamedCurveP256

var oidNamedCurveP384

var oidNamedCurveP521

func namedCurveFromOID(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier) elliptic.Curve {}

func oidFromNamedCurve(curve elliptic.Curve) (asn1.ObjectIdentifier, bool) {}

func oidFromECDHCurve(curve ecdh.Curve) (asn1.ObjectIdentifier, bool) {}

type KeyUsage

const KeyUsageDigitalSignature

const KeyUsageContentCommitment

const KeyUsageKeyEncipherment

const KeyUsageDataEncipherment

const KeyUsageKeyAgreement

const KeyUsageCertSign

const KeyUsageCRLSign

const KeyUsageEncipherOnly

const KeyUsageDecipherOnly

var oidExtKeyUsageAny

var oidExtKeyUsageServerAuth

var oidExtKeyUsageClientAuth

var oidExtKeyUsageCodeSigning

var oidExtKeyUsageEmailProtection

var oidExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem

var oidExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel

var oidExtKeyUsageIPSECUser

var oidExtKeyUsageTimeStamping

var oidExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning

var oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto

var oidExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto

var oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning

var oidExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning

type ExtKeyUsage

const ExtKeyUsageAny

const ExtKeyUsageServerAuth

const ExtKeyUsageClientAuth

const ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning

const ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection

const ExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem

const ExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel

const ExtKeyUsageIPSECUser

const ExtKeyUsageTimeStamping

const ExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning

const ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto

const ExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto

const ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning

const ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning

var extKeyUsageOIDs

func extKeyUsageFromOID(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier) (eku ExtKeyUsage, ok bool) {}

func oidFromExtKeyUsage(eku ExtKeyUsage) (oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier, ok bool) {}

type Certificate

var ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm

type InsecureAlgorithmError

func (e InsecureAlgorithmError) Error() string {}

type ConstraintViolationError

func (ConstraintViolationError) Error() string {}

func (c *Certificate) Equal(other *Certificate) bool {}

func (c *Certificate) hasSANExtension() bool {}

// CheckSignatureFrom verifies that the signature on c is a valid signature from parent.
// This is a low-level API that performs very limited checks, and not a full
// path verifier. Most users should use [Certificate.Verify] instead.
func (c *Certificate) CheckSignatureFrom(parent *Certificate) error {}

// CheckSignature verifies that signature is a valid signature over signed from
// c's public key.
// This is a low-level API that performs no validity checks on the certificate.
// [MD5WithRSA] signatures are rejected, while [SHA1WithRSA] and [ECDSAWithSHA1]
// signatures are currently accepted.
func (c *Certificate) CheckSignature(algo SignatureAlgorithm, signed, signature []byte) error {}

func (c *Certificate) hasNameConstraints() bool {}

func (c *Certificate) getSANExtension() []byte {}

func signaturePublicKeyAlgoMismatchError(expectedPubKeyAlgo PublicKeyAlgorithm, pubKey any) error {}

var x509sha1

// checkSignature verifies that signature is a valid signature over signed from
// a crypto.PublicKey.
func checkSignature(algo SignatureAlgorithm, signed, signature []byte, publicKey crypto.PublicKey, allowSHA1 bool) (err error) {}

// CheckCRLSignature checks that the signature in crl is from c.
// Deprecated: Use [RevocationList.CheckSignatureFrom] instead.
func (c *Certificate) CheckCRLSignature(crl *pkix.CertificateList) error {}

type UnhandledCriticalExtension

func (h UnhandledCriticalExtension) Error() string {}

type basicConstraints

type policyInformation

const nameTypeEmail

const nameTypeDNS

const nameTypeURI

const nameTypeIP

type authorityInfoAccess

type distributionPoint

type distributionPointName

func reverseBitsInAByte(in byte) byte {}

// asn1BitLength returns the bit-length of bitString by considering the
// most-significant bit in a byte to be the "first" bit. This convention
// matches ASN.1, but differs from almost everything else.
func asn1BitLength(bitString []byte) int {}

var oidExtensionSubjectKeyId

var oidExtensionKeyUsage

var oidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage

var oidExtensionAuthorityKeyId

var oidExtensionBasicConstraints

var oidExtensionSubjectAltName

var oidExtensionCertificatePolicies

var oidExtensionNameConstraints

var oidExtensionCRLDistributionPoints

var oidExtensionAuthorityInfoAccess

var oidExtensionCRLNumber

var oidExtensionReasonCode

var oidAuthorityInfoAccessOcsp

var oidAuthorityInfoAccessIssuers

// oidInExtensions reports whether an extension with the given oid exists in
// extensions.
func oidInExtensions(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier, extensions []pkix.Extension) bool {}

// marshalSANs marshals a list of addresses into a the contents of an X.509
// SubjectAlternativeName extension.
func marshalSANs(dnsNames, emailAddresses []string, ipAddresses []net.IP, uris []*url.URL) (derBytes []byte, err error) {}

func isIA5String(s string) error {}

var x509usepolicies

func buildCertExtensions(template *Certificate, subjectIsEmpty bool, authorityKeyId []byte, subjectKeyId []byte) (ret []pkix.Extension, err error) {}

func marshalKeyUsage(ku KeyUsage) (pkix.Extension, error) {}

func marshalExtKeyUsage(extUsages []ExtKeyUsage, unknownUsages []asn1.ObjectIdentifier) (pkix.Extension, error) {}

func marshalBasicConstraints(isCA bool, maxPathLen int, maxPathLenZero bool) (pkix.Extension, error) {}

func marshalCertificatePolicies(policies []OID, policyIdentifiers []asn1.ObjectIdentifier) (pkix.Extension, error) {}

func buildCSRExtensions(template *CertificateRequest) ([]pkix.Extension, error) {}

func subjectBytes(cert *Certificate) ([]byte, error) {}

// signingParamsForKey returns the signature algorithm and its Algorithm
// Identifier to use for signing, based on the key type. If sigAlgo is not zero
// then it overrides the default.
func signingParamsForKey(key crypto.Signer, sigAlgo SignatureAlgorithm) (SignatureAlgorithm, pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier, error) {}

func signTBS(tbs []byte, key crypto.Signer, sigAlg SignatureAlgorithm, rand io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {}

var emptyASN1Subject

// CreateCertificate creates a new X.509 v3 certificate based on a template.
// The following members of template are currently used:
//   - AuthorityKeyId
//   - BasicConstraintsValid
//   - CRLDistributionPoints
//   - DNSNames
//   - EmailAddresses
//   - ExcludedDNSDomains
//   - ExcludedEmailAddresses
//   - ExcludedIPRanges
//   - ExcludedURIDomains
//   - ExtKeyUsage
//   - ExtraExtensions
//   - IPAddresses
//   - IsCA
//   - IssuingCertificateURL
//   - KeyUsage
//   - MaxPathLen
//   - MaxPathLenZero
//   - NotAfter
//   - NotBefore
//   - OCSPServer
//   - PermittedDNSDomains
//   - PermittedDNSDomainsCritical
//   - PermittedEmailAddresses
//   - PermittedIPRanges
//   - PermittedURIDomains
//   - PolicyIdentifiers (see note below)
//   - Policies (see note below)
//   - SerialNumber
//   - SignatureAlgorithm
//   - Subject
//   - SubjectKeyId
//   - URIs
//   - UnknownExtKeyUsage
// The certificate is signed by parent. If parent is equal to template then the
// certificate is self-signed. The parameter pub is the public key of the
// certificate to be generated and priv is the private key of the signer.
// The returned slice is the certificate in DER encoding.
// The currently supported key types are *rsa.PublicKey, *ecdsa.PublicKey and
// ed25519.PublicKey. pub must be a supported key type, and priv must be a
// crypto.Signer with a supported public key.
// The AuthorityKeyId will be taken from the SubjectKeyId of parent, if any,
// unless the resulting certificate is self-signed. Otherwise the value from
// template will be used.
// If SubjectKeyId from template is empty and the template is a CA, SubjectKeyId
// will be generated from the hash of the public key.
// The PolicyIdentifier and Policies fields are both used to marshal certificate
// policy OIDs. By default, only the PolicyIdentifier is marshaled, but if the
// GODEBUG setting "x509usepolicies" has the value "1", the Policies field will
// be marshaled instead of the PolicyIdentifier field. The Policies field can
// be used to marshal policy OIDs which have components that are larger than 31
// bits.
func CreateCertificate(rand io.Reader, template, parent *Certificate, pub, priv any) ([]byte, error) {}

var pemCRLPrefix

var pemType

// ParseCRL parses a CRL from the given bytes. It's often the case that PEM
// encoded CRLs will appear where they should be DER encoded, so this function
// will transparently handle PEM encoding as long as there isn't any leading
// garbage.
// Deprecated: Use [ParseRevocationList] instead.
func ParseCRL(crlBytes []byte) (*pkix.CertificateList, error) {}

// ParseDERCRL parses a DER encoded CRL from the given bytes.
// Deprecated: Use [ParseRevocationList] instead.
func ParseDERCRL(derBytes []byte) (*pkix.CertificateList, error) {}

// CreateCRL returns a DER encoded CRL, signed by this Certificate, that
// contains the given list of revoked certificates.
// Deprecated: this method does not generate an RFC 5280 conformant X.509 v2 CRL.
// To generate a standards compliant CRL, use [CreateRevocationList] instead.
func (c *Certificate) CreateCRL(rand io.Reader, priv any, revokedCerts []pkix.RevokedCertificate, now, expiry time.Time) (crlBytes []byte, err error) {}

type CertificateRequest

type tbsCertificateRequest

type certificateRequest

var oidExtensionRequest

// newRawAttributes converts AttributeTypeAndValueSETs from a template
// CertificateRequest's Attributes into tbsCertificateRequest RawAttributes.
func newRawAttributes(attributes []pkix.AttributeTypeAndValueSET) ([]asn1.RawValue, error) {}

// parseRawAttributes Unmarshals RawAttributes into AttributeTypeAndValueSETs.
func parseRawAttributes(rawAttributes []asn1.RawValue) []pkix.AttributeTypeAndValueSET {}

// parseCSRExtensions parses the attributes from a CSR and extracts any
// requested extensions.
func parseCSRExtensions(rawAttributes []asn1.RawValue) ([]pkix.Extension, error) {}

// CreateCertificateRequest creates a new certificate request based on a
// template. The following members of template are used:
//   - SignatureAlgorithm
//   - Subject
//   - DNSNames
//   - EmailAddresses
//   - IPAddresses
//   - URIs
//   - ExtraExtensions
//   - Attributes (deprecated)
// priv is the private key to sign the CSR with, and the corresponding public
// key will be included in the CSR. It must implement crypto.Signer and its
// Public() method must return a *rsa.PublicKey or a *ecdsa.PublicKey or a
// ed25519.PublicKey. (A *rsa.PrivateKey, *ecdsa.PrivateKey or
// ed25519.PrivateKey satisfies this.)
// The returned slice is the certificate request in DER encoding.
func CreateCertificateRequest(rand io.Reader, template *CertificateRequest, priv any) (csr []byte, err error) {}

// ParseCertificateRequest parses a single certificate request from the
// given ASN.1 DER data.
func ParseCertificateRequest(asn1Data []byte) (*CertificateRequest, error) {}

func parseCertificateRequest(in *certificateRequest) (*CertificateRequest, error) {}

// CheckSignature reports whether the signature on c is valid.
func (c *CertificateRequest) CheckSignature() error {}

type RevocationListEntry

type RevocationList

type certificateList

type tbsCertificateList

// CreateRevocationList creates a new X.509 v2 [Certificate] Revocation List,
// according to RFC 5280, based on template.
// The CRL is signed by priv which should be the private key associated with
// the public key in the issuer certificate.
// The issuer may not be nil, and the crlSign bit must be set in [KeyUsage] in
// order to use it as a CRL issuer.
// The issuer distinguished name CRL field and authority key identifier
// extension are populated using the issuer certificate. issuer must have
// SubjectKeyId set.
func CreateRevocationList(rand io.Reader, template *RevocationList, issuer *Certificate, priv crypto.Signer) ([]byte, error) {}

// CheckSignatureFrom verifies that the signature on rl is a valid signature
// from issuer.
func (rl *RevocationList) CheckSignatureFrom(parent *Certificate) error {}