
var someTime

var answer

type userDefined

type userDefinedSlice

type userDefinedString

type conversionTest

var scanstr

var scanbytes

var scanraw

var scanint

var scanuint8

var scanuint16

var scanbool

var scanf32

var scanf64

var scantime

var scanptr

var scaniface

func conversionTests() []conversionTest {}

func intPtrValue(intptr any) any {}

func intValue(intptr any) int64 {}

func uintValue(intptr any) uint64 {}

func float64Value(ptr any) float64 {}

func float32Value(ptr any) float32 {}

func timeValue(ptr any) time.Time {}

func TestConversions(t *testing.T) {}

func TestNullString(t *testing.T) {}

type valueConverterTest

var valueConverterTests

func TestValueConverters(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that assigning to RawBytes doesn't allocate (and also works).
func TestRawBytesAllocs(t *testing.T) {}

// https://golang.org/issues/13905
func TestUserDefinedBytes(t *testing.T) {}

type Valuer_V

func (v Valuer_V) Value() (driver.Value, error) {}

type Valuer_P

func (p *Valuer_P) Value() (driver.Value, error) {}

func TestDriverArgs(t *testing.T) {}

type dec

func (d dec) Decompose(buf []byte) (form byte, negative bool, coefficient []byte, exponent int32) {}

func (d *dec) Compose(form byte, negative bool, coefficient []byte, exponent int32) error {}

type decFinite

func (d decFinite) Decompose(buf []byte) (form byte, negative bool, coefficient []byte, exponent int32) {}

func (d *decFinite) Compose(form byte, negative bool, coefficient []byte, exponent int32) error {}

func TestDecimal(t *testing.T) {}