
type LineReader

type LineEntry

type LineFile

// LineReader returns a new reader for the line table of compilation
// unit cu, which must be an [Entry] with tag [TagCompileUnit].
// If this compilation unit has no line table, it returns nil, nil.
func (d *Data) LineReader(cu *Entry) (*LineReader, error) {}

// readHeader reads the line number program header from r.buf and sets
// all of the header fields in r.
func (r *LineReader) readHeader(compDir string) error {}

type lnctForm

// readLNCTFormat reads an LNCT format description.
func (r *LineReader) readLNCTFormat() []lnctForm {}

// readLNCT reads a sequence of LNCT entries and returns path information.
func (r *LineReader) readLNCT(s []lnctForm, dwarf64 bool) (path string, mtime uint64, size uint64, err error) {}

// readFileEntry reads a file entry from either the header or a
// DW_LNE_define_file extended opcode and adds it to r.fileEntries. A
// true return value indicates that there are no more entries to read.
func (r *LineReader) readFileEntry() (bool, error) {}

// updateFile updates r.state.File after r.fileIndex has
// changed or r.fileEntries has changed.
func (r *LineReader) updateFile() {}

// Next sets *entry to the next row in this line table and moves to
// the next row. If there are no more entries and the line table is
// properly terminated, it returns [io.EOF].
// Rows are always in order of increasing entry.Address, but
// entry.Line may go forward or backward.
func (r *LineReader) Next(entry *LineEntry) error {}

var knownOpcodeLengths

// step processes the next opcode and updates r.state. If the opcode
// emits a row in the line table, this updates *entry and returns
// true.
func (r *LineReader) step(entry *LineEntry) bool {}

// advancePC advances "operation pointer" (the combination of Address
// and OpIndex) in r.state by opAdvance steps.
func (r *LineReader) advancePC(opAdvance int) {}

type LineReaderPos

// Tell returns the current position in the line table.
func (r *LineReader) Tell() LineReaderPos {}

// Seek restores the line table reader to a position returned by [LineReader.Tell].
// The argument pos must have been returned by a call to [LineReader.Tell] on this
// line table.
func (r *LineReader) Seek(pos LineReaderPos) {}

// Reset repositions the line table reader at the beginning of the
// line table.
func (r *LineReader) Reset() {}

// resetState resets r.state to its default values
func (r *LineReader) resetState() {}

// Files returns the file name table of this compilation unit as of
// the current position in the line table. The file name table may be
// referenced from attributes in this compilation unit such as
// [AttrDeclFile].
// Entry 0 is always nil, since file index 0 represents "no file".
// The file name table of a compilation unit is not fixed. Files
// returns the file table as of the current position in the line
// table. This may contain more entries than the file table at an
// earlier position in the line table, though existing entries never
// change.
func (r *LineReader) Files() []*LineFile {}

var ErrUnknownPC

// SeekPC sets *entry to the [LineEntry] that includes pc and positions
// the reader on the next entry in the line table. If necessary, this
// will seek backwards to find pc.
// If pc is not covered by any entry in this line table, SeekPC
// returns [ErrUnknownPC]. In this case, *entry and the final seek
// position are unspecified.
// Note that DWARF line tables only permit sequential, forward scans.
// Hence, in the worst case, this takes time linear in the size of the
// line table. If the caller wishes to do repeated fast PC lookups, it
// should build an appropriate index of the line table.
func (r *LineReader) SeekPC(pc uint64, entry *LineEntry) error {}

// pathIsAbs reports whether path is an absolute path (or "full path
// name" in DWARF parlance). This is in "whatever form makes sense for
// the host system", so this accepts both UNIX-style and DOS-style
// absolute paths. We avoid the filepath package because we want this
// to behave the same regardless of our host system and because we
// don't know what system the paths came from.
func pathIsAbs(path string) bool {}

// pathJoin joins dirname and filename. filename must be relative.
// DWARF paths can be UNIX-style or DOS-style, so this handles both.
func pathJoin(dirname, filename string) string {}

// splitDrive splits the DOS drive letter or UNC share point from
// path, if any. path == drive + rest
func splitDrive(path string) (drive, rest string) {}