
const TagBoolean

const TagInteger

const TagBitString

const TagOctetString

const TagNull

const TagOID

const TagEnum

const TagUTF8String

const TagSequence

const TagSet

const TagNumericString

const TagPrintableString

const TagT61String

const TagIA5String

const TagUTCTime

const TagGeneralizedTime

const TagGeneralString

const TagBMPString

const ClassUniversal

const ClassApplication

const ClassContextSpecific

const ClassPrivate

type tagAndLength

type fieldParameters

// Given a tag string with the format specified in the package comment,
// parseFieldParameters will parse it into a fieldParameters structure,
// ignoring unknown parts of the string.
func parseFieldParameters(str string) (ret fieldParameters) {}

// Given a reflected Go type, getUniversalType returns the default tag number
// and expected compound flag.
func getUniversalType(t reflect.Type) (matchAny bool, tagNumber int, isCompound, ok bool) {}