
var errBadUint

var errBadType

var errRange

type decHelper

type decoderState

type decBuffer

func (d *decBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {}

func (d *decBuffer) Drop(n int) {}

func (d *decBuffer) ReadByte() (byte, error) {}

func (d *decBuffer) Len() int {}

func (d *decBuffer) Bytes() []byte {}

// SetBytes sets the buffer to the bytes, discarding any existing data.
func (d *decBuffer) SetBytes(data []byte) {}

func (d *decBuffer) Reset() {}

// We pass the bytes.Buffer separately for easier testing of the infrastructure
// without requiring a full Decoder.
func (dec *Decoder) newDecoderState(buf *decBuffer) *decoderState {}

func (dec *Decoder) freeDecoderState(d *decoderState) {}

func overflow(name string) error {}

// decodeUintReader reads an encoded unsigned integer from an io.Reader.
// Used only by the Decoder to read the message length.
func decodeUintReader(r io.Reader, buf []byte) (x uint64, width int, err error) {}

// decodeUint reads an encoded unsigned integer from state.r.
// Does not check for overflow.
func (state *decoderState) decodeUint() (x uint64) {}

// decodeInt reads an encoded signed integer from state.r.
// Does not check for overflow.
func (state *decoderState) decodeInt() int64 {}

// getLength decodes the next uint and makes sure it is a possible
// size for a data item that follows, which means it must fit in a
// non-negative int and fit in the buffer.
func (state *decoderState) getLength() (int, bool) {}

type decOp

type decInstr

// ignoreUint discards a uint value with no destination.
func ignoreUint(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, v reflect.Value) {}

// ignoreTwoUints discards a uint value with no destination. It's used to skip
// complex values.
func ignoreTwoUints(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, v reflect.Value) {}

// decAlloc takes a value and returns a settable value that can
// be assigned to. If the value is a pointer, decAlloc guarantees it points to storage.
// The callers to the individual decoders are expected to have used decAlloc.
// The individual decoders don't need it.
func decAlloc(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {}

// decBool decodes a uint and stores it as a boolean in value.
func decBool(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decInt8 decodes an integer and stores it as an int8 in value.
func decInt8(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decUint8 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint8 in value.
func decUint8(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decInt16 decodes an integer and stores it as an int16 in value.
func decInt16(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decUint16 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint16 in value.
func decUint16(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decInt32 decodes an integer and stores it as an int32 in value.
func decInt32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decUint32 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint32 in value.
func decUint32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decInt64 decodes an integer and stores it as an int64 in value.
func decInt64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decUint64 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint64 in value.
func decUint64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// Floating-point numbers are transmitted as uint64s holding the bits
// of the underlying representation. They are sent byte-reversed, with
// the exponent end coming out first, so integer floating point numbers
// (for example) transmit more compactly. This routine does the
// unswizzling.
func float64FromBits(u uint64) float64 {}

// float32FromBits decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 32-bit floating-point
// number, and returns it. It's a helper function for float32 and complex64.
// It returns a float64 because that's what reflection needs, but its return
// value is known to be accurately representable in a float32.
func float32FromBits(u uint64, ovfl error) float64 {}

// decFloat32 decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 32-bit floating-point
// number, and stores it in value.
func decFloat32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decFloat64 decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 64-bit floating-point
// number, and stores it in value.
func decFloat64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decComplex64 decodes a pair of unsigned integers, treats them as a
// pair of floating point numbers, and stores them as a complex64 in value.
// The real part comes first.
func decComplex64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decComplex128 decodes a pair of unsigned integers, treats them as a
// pair of floating point numbers, and stores them as a complex128 in value.
// The real part comes first.
func decComplex128(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decUint8Slice decodes a byte slice and stores in value a slice header
// describing the data.
// uint8 slices are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
func decUint8Slice(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// decString decodes byte array and stores in value a string header
// describing the data.
// Strings are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
func decString(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// ignoreUint8Array skips over the data for a byte slice value with no destination.
func ignoreUint8Array(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

type decEngine

// decodeSingle decodes a top-level value that is not a struct and stores it in value.
// Such values are preceded by a zero, making them have the memory layout of a
// struct field (although with an illegal field number).
func (dec *Decoder) decodeSingle(engine *decEngine, value reflect.Value) {}

// decodeStruct decodes a top-level struct and stores it in value.
// Indir is for the value, not the type. At the time of the call it may
// differ from ut.indir, which was computed when the engine was built.
// This state cannot arise for decodeSingle, which is called directly
// from the user's value, not from the innards of an engine.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeStruct(engine *decEngine, value reflect.Value) {}

var noValue

// ignoreStruct discards the data for a struct with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreStruct(engine *decEngine) {}

// ignoreSingle discards the data for a top-level non-struct value with no
// destination. It's used when calling Decode with a nil value.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreSingle(engine *decEngine) {}

// decodeArrayHelper does the work for decoding arrays and slices.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArrayHelper(state *decoderState, value reflect.Value, elemOp decOp, length int, ovfl error, helper decHelper) {}

// decodeArray decodes an array and stores it in value.
// The length is an unsigned integer preceding the elements. Even though the length is redundant
// (it's part of the type), it's a useful check and is included in the encoding.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeArray(state *decoderState, value reflect.Value, elemOp decOp, length int, ovfl error, helper decHelper) {}

// decodeIntoValue is a helper for map decoding.
func decodeIntoValue(state *decoderState, op decOp, isPtr bool, value reflect.Value, instr *decInstr) reflect.Value {}

// decodeMap decodes a map and stores it in value.
// Maps are encoded as a length followed by key:value pairs.
// Because the internals of maps are not visible to us, we must
// use reflection rather than pointer magic.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeMap(mtyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value, keyOp, elemOp decOp, ovfl error) {}

// ignoreArrayHelper does the work for discarding arrays and slices.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArrayHelper(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {}

// ignoreArray discards the data for an array value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArray(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {}

// ignoreMap discards the data for a map value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreMap(state *decoderState, keyOp, elemOp decOp) {}

// decodeSlice decodes a slice and stores it in value.
// Slices are encoded as an unsigned length followed by the elements.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeSlice(state *decoderState, value reflect.Value, elemOp decOp, ovfl error, helper decHelper) {}

// ignoreSlice skips over the data for a slice value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreSlice(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp) {}

// decodeInterface decodes an interface value and stores it in value.
// Interfaces are encoded as the name of a concrete type followed by a value.
// If the name is empty, the value is nil and no value is sent.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeInterface(ityp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// ignoreInterface discards the data for an interface value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreInterface(state *decoderState) {}

// decodeGobDecoder decodes something implementing the GobDecoder interface.
// The data is encoded as a byte slice.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeGobDecoder(ut *userTypeInfo, state *decoderState, value reflect.Value) {}

// ignoreGobDecoder discards the data for a GobDecoder value with no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) ignoreGobDecoder(state *decoderState) {}

var decOpTable

var decIgnoreOpMap

// decOpFor returns the decoding op for the base type under rt and
// the indirection count to reach it.
func (dec *Decoder) decOpFor(wireId typeId, rt reflect.Type, name string, inProgress map[reflect.Type]*decOp) *decOp {}

var maxIgnoreNestingDepth

// decIgnoreOpFor returns the decoding op for a field that has no destination.
func (dec *Decoder) decIgnoreOpFor(wireId typeId, inProgress map[typeId]*decOp) *decOp {}

// gobDecodeOpFor returns the op for a type that is known to implement
// GobDecoder.
func (dec *Decoder) gobDecodeOpFor(ut *userTypeInfo) *decOp {}

// compatibleType asks: Are these two gob Types compatible?
// Answers the question for basic types, arrays, maps and slices, plus
// GobEncoder/Decoder pairs.
// Structs are considered ok; fields will be checked later.
func (dec *Decoder) compatibleType(fr reflect.Type, fw typeId, inProgress map[reflect.Type]typeId) bool {}

// typeString returns a human-readable description of the type identified by remoteId.
func (dec *Decoder) typeString(remoteId typeId) string {}

// compileSingle compiles the decoder engine for a non-struct top-level value, including
// GobDecoders.
func (dec *Decoder) compileSingle(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (engine *decEngine, err error) {}

// compileIgnoreSingle compiles the decoder engine for a non-struct top-level value that will be discarded.
func (dec *Decoder) compileIgnoreSingle(remoteId typeId) *decEngine {}

// compileDec compiles the decoder engine for a value. If the value is not a struct,
// it calls out to compileSingle.
func (dec *Decoder) compileDec(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (engine *decEngine, err error) {}

// getDecEnginePtr returns the engine for the specified type.
func (dec *Decoder) getDecEnginePtr(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (enginePtr **decEngine, err error) {}

type emptyStruct

var emptyStructType

// getIgnoreEnginePtr returns the engine for the specified type when the value is to be discarded.
func (dec *Decoder) getIgnoreEnginePtr(wireId typeId) (enginePtr **decEngine, err error) {}

// decodeValue decodes the data stream representing a value and stores it in value.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeValue(wireId typeId, value reflect.Value) {}

// decodeIgnoredValue decodes the data stream representing a value of the specified type and discards it.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeIgnoredValue(wireId typeId) {}

const intBits

const uintptrBits

func init() {}

// Gob depends on being able to take the address
// of zeroed Values it creates, so use this wrapper instead
// of the standard reflect.Zero.
// Each call allocates once.
func allocValue(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {}