
const tooBig

type Decoder

// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from the [io.Reader].
// If r does not also implement [io.ByteReader], it will be wrapped in a
// [bufio.Reader].
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {}

// recvType loads the definition of a type.
func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id typeId) {}

var errBadCount

// recvMessage reads the next count-delimited item from the input. It is the converse
// of Encoder.writeMessage. It returns false on EOF or other error reading the message.
func (dec *Decoder) recvMessage() bool {}

// readMessage reads the next nbytes bytes from the input.
func (dec *Decoder) readMessage(nbytes int) {}

// toInt turns an encoded uint64 into an int, according to the marshaling rules.
func toInt(x uint64) int64 {}

func (dec *Decoder) nextInt() int64 {}

func (dec *Decoder) nextUint() uint64 {}

// decodeTypeSequence parses:
// TypeSequence
//	(TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
// and returns the type id of the next value. It returns -1 at
// EOF.  Upon return, the remainder of dec.buf is the value to be
// decoded. If this is an interface value, it can be ignored by
// resetting that buffer.
func (dec *Decoder) decodeTypeSequence(isInterface bool) typeId {}

// Decode reads the next value from the input stream and stores
// it in the data represented by the empty interface value.
// If e is nil, the value will be discarded. Otherwise,
// the value underlying e must be a pointer to the
// correct type for the next data item received.
// If the input is at EOF, Decode returns [io.EOF] and
// does not modify e.
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e any) error {}

// DecodeValue reads the next value from the input stream.
// If v is the zero reflect.Value (v.Kind() == Invalid), DecodeValue discards the value.
// Otherwise, it stores the value into v. In that case, v must represent
// a non-nil pointer to data or be an assignable reflect.Value (v.CanSet())
// If the input is at EOF, DecodeValue returns [io.EOF] and
// does not modify v.
func (dec *Decoder) DecodeValue(v reflect.Value) error {}

var debugFunc