
// sortComments sorts the list of comment groups in source order.
func sortComments(list []*CommentGroup) {}

type CommentMap

func (cmap CommentMap) addComment(n Node, c *CommentGroup) {}

// nodeList returns the list of nodes of the AST n in source order.
func nodeList(n Node) []Node {}

type commentListReader

func (r *commentListReader) eol() bool {}

func (r *commentListReader) next() {}

type nodeStack

// push pops all nodes that appear lexically before n
// and then pushes n on the stack.
func (s *nodeStack) push(n Node) {}

// pop pops all nodes that appear lexically before pos
// (i.e., whose lexical extent has ended before or at pos).
// It returns the last node popped.
func (s *nodeStack) pop(pos token.Pos) (top Node) {}

// NewCommentMap creates a new comment map by associating comment groups
// of the comments list with the nodes of the AST specified by node.
// A comment group g is associated with a node n if:
//   - g starts on the same line as n ends
//   - g starts on the line immediately following n, and there is
//     at least one empty line after g and before the next node
//   - g starts before n and is not associated to the node before n
//     via the previous rules
// NewCommentMap tries to associate a comment group to the "largest"
// node possible: For instance, if the comment is a line comment
// trailing an assignment, the comment is associated with the entire
// assignment rather than just the last operand in the assignment.
func NewCommentMap(fset *token.FileSet, node Node, comments []*CommentGroup) CommentMap {}

// Update replaces an old node in the comment map with the new node
// and returns the new node. Comments that were associated with the
// old node are associated with the new node.
func (cmap CommentMap) Update(old, new Node) Node {}

// Filter returns a new comment map consisting of only those
// entries of cmap for which a corresponding node exists in
// the AST specified by node.
func (cmap CommentMap) Filter(node Node) CommentMap {}

// Comments returns the list of comment groups in the comment map.
// The result is sorted in source order.
func (cmap CommentMap) Comments() []*CommentGroup {}

func summary(list []*CommentGroup) string {}

func (cmap CommentMap) String() string {}