
type Kind

const Unknown

const Bool

const String

const Int

const Float

const Complex

type Value

const prec

type unknownVal

type boolVal

type stringVal

type int64Val

type intVal

type ratVal

type floatVal

type complexVal

func (unknownVal) Kind() Kind {}

func (boolVal) Kind() Kind    {}

func (*stringVal) Kind() Kind {}

func (int64Val) Kind() Kind   {}

func (intVal) Kind() Kind     {}

func (ratVal) Kind() Kind     {}

func (floatVal) Kind() Kind   {}

func (complexVal) Kind() Kind {}

func (unknownVal) String() string {}

func (x boolVal) String() string  {}

// String returns a possibly shortened quoted form of the String value.
func (x *stringVal) String() string {}

// string constructs and returns the actual string literal value.
// If x represents an addition, then it rewrites x to be a single
// string, to speed future calls. This lazy construction avoids
// building different string values for all subpieces of a large
// concatenation. See golang.org/issue/23348.
func (x *stringVal) string() string {}

// reverse reverses x in place and returns it.
func reverse(x []string) []string {}

// appendReverse appends to list all of x's subpieces, but in reverse,
// and returns the result. Appending the reversal allows processing
// the right side in a recursive call and the left side in a loop.
// Because a chain like a + b + c + d + e is actually represented
// as ((((a + b) + c) + d) + e), the left-side loop avoids deep recursion.
// x must be locked.
func (x *stringVal) appendReverse(list []string) []string {}

func (x int64Val) String() string {}

func (x intVal) String() string   {}

func (x ratVal) String() string   {}

// String returns a decimal approximation of the Float value.
func (x floatVal) String() string {}

func (x complexVal) String() string {}

func (x unknownVal) ExactString() string {}

func (x boolVal) ExactString() string    {}

func (x *stringVal) ExactString() string {}

func (x int64Val) ExactString() string   {}

func (x intVal) ExactString() string     {}

func (x ratVal) ExactString() string {}

func (x floatVal) ExactString() string {}

func (x complexVal) ExactString() string {}

func (unknownVal) implementsValue() {}

func (boolVal) implementsValue()    {}

func (*stringVal) implementsValue() {}

func (int64Val) implementsValue()   {}

func (ratVal) implementsValue()     {}

func (intVal) implementsValue()     {}

func (floatVal) implementsValue()   {}

func (complexVal) implementsValue() {}

func newInt() *big.Int     {}

func newRat() *big.Rat     {}

func newFloat() *big.Float {}

func i64toi(x int64Val) intVal   {}

func i64tor(x int64Val) ratVal   {}

func i64tof(x int64Val) floatVal {}

func itor(x intVal) ratVal       {}

func itof(x intVal) floatVal     {}

func rtof(x ratVal) floatVal     {}

func vtoc(x Value) complexVal    {}

func makeInt(x *big.Int) Value {}

func makeRat(x *big.Rat) Value {}

var floatVal0

func makeFloat(x *big.Float) Value {}

func makeComplex(re, im Value) Value {}

func makeFloatFromLiteral(lit string) Value {}

const maxExp

// smallInt reports whether x would lead to "reasonably"-sized fraction
// if converted to a *big.Rat.
func smallInt(x *big.Int) bool {}

// smallFloat64 reports whether x would lead to "reasonably"-sized fraction
// if converted to a *big.Rat.
func smallFloat64(x float64) bool {}

// smallFloat reports whether x would lead to "reasonably"-sized fraction
// if converted to a *big.Rat.
func smallFloat(x *big.Float) bool {}

// MakeUnknown returns the [Unknown] value.
func MakeUnknown() Value {}

// MakeBool returns the [Bool] value for b.
func MakeBool(b bool) Value {}

// MakeString returns the [String] value for s.
func MakeString(s string) Value {}

var emptyString

// MakeInt64 returns the [Int] value for x.
func MakeInt64(x int64) Value {}

// MakeUint64 returns the [Int] value for x.
func MakeUint64(x uint64) Value {}

// MakeFloat64 returns the [Float] value for x.
// If x is -0.0, the result is 0.0.
// If x is not finite, the result is an [Unknown].
func MakeFloat64(x float64) Value {}

// MakeFromLiteral returns the corresponding integer, floating-point,
// imaginary, character, or string value for a Go literal string. The
// tok value must be one of [token.INT], [token.FLOAT], [token.IMAG],
// [token.CHAR], or [token.STRING]. The final argument must be zero.
// If the literal string syntax is invalid, the result is an [Unknown].
func MakeFromLiteral(lit string, tok token.Token, zero uint) Value {}

// BoolVal returns the Go boolean value of x, which must be a [Bool] or an [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], the result is false.
func BoolVal(x Value) bool {}

// StringVal returns the Go string value of x, which must be a [String] or an [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], the result is "".
func StringVal(x Value) string {}

// Int64Val returns the Go int64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be an [Int] or an [Unknown]. If the result is not exact, its value is undefined.
// If x is [Unknown], the result is (0, false).
func Int64Val(x Value) (int64, bool) {}

// Uint64Val returns the Go uint64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be an [Int] or an [Unknown]. If the result is not exact, its value is undefined.
// If x is [Unknown], the result is (0, false).
func Uint64Val(x Value) (uint64, bool) {}

// Float32Val is like [Float64Val] but for float32 instead of float64.
func Float32Val(x Value) (float32, bool) {}

// Float64Val returns the nearest Go float64 value of x and whether the result is exact;
// x must be numeric or an [Unknown], but not [Complex]. For values too small (too close to 0)
// to represent as float64, [Float64Val] silently underflows to 0. The result sign always
// matches the sign of x, even for 0.
// If x is [Unknown], the result is (0, false).
func Float64Val(x Value) (float64, bool) {}

// Val returns the underlying value for a given constant. Since it returns an
// interface, it is up to the caller to type assert the result to the expected
// type. The possible dynamic return types are:
//	x Kind             type of result
//	-----------------------------------------
//	Bool               bool
//	String             string
//	Int                int64 or *big.Int
//	Float              *big.Float or *big.Rat
//	everything else    nil
func Val(x Value) any {}

// Make returns the [Value] for x.
//	type of x        result Kind
//	----------------------------
//	bool             Bool
//	string           String
//	int64            Int
//	*big.Int         Int
//	*big.Float       Float
//	*big.Rat         Float
//	anything else    Unknown
func Make(x any) Value {}

// BitLen returns the number of bits required to represent
// the absolute value x in binary representation; x must be an [Int] or an [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], the result is 0.
func BitLen(x Value) int {}

// Sign returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether x < 0, x == 0, or x > 0;
// x must be numeric or [Unknown]. For complex values x, the sign is 0 if x == 0,
// otherwise it is != 0. If x is [Unknown], the result is 1.
func Sign(x Value) int {}

const _m

const _log

const wordSize

// Bytes returns the bytes for the absolute value of x in little-
// endian binary representation; x must be an [Int].
func Bytes(x Value) []byte {}

// MakeFromBytes returns the [Int] value given the bytes of its little-endian
// binary representation. An empty byte slice argument represents 0.
func MakeFromBytes(bytes []byte) Value {}

// Num returns the numerator of x; x must be [Int], [Float], or [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], or if it is too large or small to represent as a
// fraction, the result is [Unknown]. Otherwise the result is an [Int]
// with the same sign as x.
func Num(x Value) Value {}

// Denom returns the denominator of x; x must be [Int], [Float], or [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], or if it is too large or small to represent as a
// fraction, the result is [Unknown]. Otherwise the result is an [Int] >= 1.
func Denom(x Value) Value {}

// MakeImag returns the [Complex] value x*i;
// x must be [Int], [Float], or [Unknown].
// If x is [Unknown], the result is [Unknown].
func MakeImag(x Value) Value {}

// Real returns the real part of x, which must be a numeric or unknown value.
// If x is [Unknown], the result is [Unknown].
func Real(x Value) Value {}

// Imag returns the imaginary part of x, which must be a numeric or unknown value.
// If x is [Unknown], the result is [Unknown].
func Imag(x Value) Value {}

// ToInt converts x to an [Int] value if x is representable as an [Int].
// Otherwise it returns an [Unknown].
func ToInt(x Value) Value {}

// ToFloat converts x to a [Float] value if x is representable as a [Float].
// Otherwise it returns an [Unknown].
func ToFloat(x Value) Value {}

// ToComplex converts x to a [Complex] value if x is representable as a [Complex].
// Otherwise it returns an [Unknown].
func ToComplex(x Value) Value {}

// is32bit reports whether x can be represented using 32 bits.
func is32bit(x int64) bool {}

// is63bit reports whether x can be represented using 63 bits.
func is63bit(x int64) bool {}

// UnaryOp returns the result of the unary expression op y.
// The operation must be defined for the operand.
// If prec > 0 it specifies the ^ (xor) result size in bits.
// If y is [Unknown], the result is [Unknown].
func UnaryOp(op token.Token, y Value, prec uint) Value {}

func ord(x Value) int {}

// match returns the matching representation (same type) with the
// smallest complexity for two values x and y. If one of them is
// numeric, both of them must be numeric. If one of them is Unknown
// or invalid (say, nil) both results are that value.
func match(x, y Value) (_, _ Value) {}

// match0 must only be called by match.
// Invariant: ord(x) < ord(y)
func match0(x, y Value) (_, _ Value) {}

// BinaryOp returns the result of the binary expression x op y.
// The operation must be defined for the operands. If one of the
// operands is [Unknown], the result is [Unknown].
// BinaryOp doesn't handle comparisons or shifts; use [Compare]
// or [Shift] instead.
// To force integer division of [Int] operands, use op == [token.QUO_ASSIGN]
// instead of [token.QUO]; the result is guaranteed to be [Int] in this case.
// Division by zero leads to a run-time panic.
func BinaryOp(x_ Value, op token.Token, y_ Value) Value {}

func add(x, y Value) Value {}

func sub(x, y Value) Value {}

func mul(x, y Value) Value {}

func quo(x, y Value) Value {}

// Shift returns the result of the shift expression x op s
// with op == [token.SHL] or [token.SHR] (<< or >>). x must be
// an [Int] or an [Unknown]. If x is [Unknown], the result is x.
func Shift(x Value, op token.Token, s uint) Value {}

func cmpZero(x int, op token.Token) bool {}

// Compare returns the result of the comparison x op y.
// The comparison must be defined for the operands.
// If one of the operands is [Unknown], the result is
// false.
func Compare(x_ Value, op token.Token, y_ Value) bool {}