
type htmlPrinter

// HTML returns an HTML formatting of the [Doc].
// See the [Printer] documentation for ways to customize the HTML output.
func (p *Printer) HTML(d *Doc) []byte {}

// block prints the block x to out.
func (p *htmlPrinter) block(out *bytes.Buffer, x Block) {}

// inc increments the decimal string s.
// For example, inc("1199") == "1200".
func inc(s string) string {}

// text prints the text sequence x to out.
func (p *htmlPrinter) text(out *bytes.Buffer, x []Text) {}

// escape prints s to out as plain text,
// escaping < & " ' and > to avoid being misinterpreted
// in larger HTML constructs.
func (p *htmlPrinter) escape(out *bytes.Buffer, s string) {}