
type mdPrinter

// Markdown returns a Markdown formatting of the Doc.
// See the [Printer] documentation for ways to customize the Markdown output.
func (p *Printer) Markdown(d *Doc) []byte {}

// block prints the block x to out.
func (p *mdPrinter) block(out *bytes.Buffer, x Block) {}

// text prints the text sequence x to out.
func (p *mdPrinter) text(out *bytes.Buffer, x []Text) {}

// rawText prints the text sequence x to out,
// without worrying about escaping characters
// that have special meaning at the start of a Markdown line.
func (p *mdPrinter) rawText(out *bytes.Buffer, x []Text) {}

// escape prints s to out as plain text,
// escaping special characters to avoid being misinterpreted
// as Markdown markup sequences.
func (p *mdPrinter) escape(out *bytes.Buffer, s string) {}