
type Doc

type LinkDef

type Block

type Heading

func (*Heading) block() {}

type List

func (*List) block() {}

// BlankBefore reports whether a reformatting of the comment
// should include a blank line before the list.
// The default rule is the same as for [BlankBetween]:
// if the list item content contains any blank lines
// (meaning at least one item has multiple paragraphs)
// then the list itself must be preceded by a blank line.
// A preceding blank line can be forced by setting [List].ForceBlankBefore.
func (l *List) BlankBefore() bool {}

// BlankBetween reports whether a reformatting of the comment
// should include a blank line between each pair of list items.
// The default rule is that if the list item content contains any blank lines
// (meaning at least one item has multiple paragraphs)
// then list items must themselves be separated by blank lines.
// Blank line separators can be forced by setting [List].ForceBlankBetween.
func (l *List) BlankBetween() bool {}

type ListItem

type Paragraph

func (*Paragraph) block() {}

type Code

func (*Code) block() {}

type Text

type Plain

func (Plain) text() {}

type Italic

func (Italic) text() {}

type Link

func (*Link) text() {}

type DocLink

func (*DocLink) text() {}

type Parser

type parseDoc

// lookupPkg is called to look up the pkg in [pkg], [pkg.Name], and [pkg.Name.Recv].
// If pkg has a slash, it is assumed to be the full import path and is returned with ok = true.
// Otherwise, pkg is probably a simple package name like "rand" (not "crypto/rand" or "math/rand").
// d.LookupPackage provides a way for the caller to allow resolving such names with reference
// to the imports in the surrounding package.
// There is one collision between these two cases: single-element standard library names
// like "math" are full import paths but don't contain slashes. We let d.LookupPackage have
// the first chance to resolve it, in case there's a different package imported as math,
// and otherwise we refer to a built-in list of single-element standard library package names.
func (d *parseDoc) lookupPkg(pkg string) (importPath string, ok bool) {}

func isStdPkg(path string) bool {}

// DefaultLookupPackage is the default package lookup
// function, used when [Parser.LookupPackage] is nil.
// It recognizes names of the packages from the standard
// library with single-element import paths, such as math,
// which would otherwise be impossible to name.
// Note that the go/doc package provides a more sophisticated
// lookup based on the imports used in the current package.
func DefaultLookupPackage(name string) (importPath string, ok bool) {}

// Parse parses the doc comment text and returns the *[Doc] form.
// Comment markers (/* // and */) in the text must have already been removed.
func (p *Parser) Parse(text string) *Doc {}

type span

type spanKind

const _

const spanCode

const spanHeading

const spanList

const spanOldHeading

const spanPara

func parseSpans(lines []string) []span {}

// indented reports whether line is indented
// (starts with a leading space or tab).
func indented(line string) bool {}

// unindent removes any common space/tab prefix
// from each line in lines, returning a copy of lines in which
// those prefixes have been trimmed from each line.
// It also replaces any lines containing only spaces with blank lines (empty strings).
func unindent(lines []string) []string {}

// isBlank reports whether s is a blank line.
func isBlank(s string) bool {}

// commonPrefix returns the longest common prefix of a and b.
func commonPrefix(a, b string) string {}

// leadingSpace returns the longest prefix of s consisting of spaces and tabs.
func leadingSpace(s string) string {}

// isOldHeading reports whether line is an old-style section heading.
// line is all[off].
func isOldHeading(line string, all []string, off int) bool {}

// oldHeading returns the *Heading for the given old-style section heading line.
func (d *parseDoc) oldHeading(line string) Block {}

// isHeading reports whether line is a new-style section heading.
func isHeading(line string) bool {}

// heading returns the *Heading for the given new-style section heading line.
func (d *parseDoc) heading(line string) Block {}

// code returns a code block built from the lines.
func (d *parseDoc) code(lines []string) *Code {}

// paragraph returns a paragraph block built from the lines.
// If the lines are link definitions, paragraph adds them to d and returns nil.
func (d *parseDoc) paragraph(lines []string) Block {}

// parseLink parses a single link definition line:
//	[text]: url
// It returns the link definition and whether the line was well formed.
func parseLink(line string) (*LinkDef, bool) {}

// list returns a list built from the indented lines,
// using forceBlankBefore as the value of the List's ForceBlankBefore field.
func (d *parseDoc) list(lines []string, forceBlankBefore bool) *List {}

// listMarker parses the line as beginning with a list marker.
// If it can do that, it returns the numeric marker ("" for a bullet list),
// the rest of the line, and ok == true.
// Otherwise, it returns "", "", false.
func listMarker(line string) (num, rest string, ok bool) {}

// isList reports whether the line is the first line of a list,
// meaning starts with a list marker after any indentation.
// (The caller is responsible for checking the line is indented, as appropriate.)
func isList(line string) bool {}

// parseLinkedText parses text that is allowed to contain explicit links,
// such as [math.Sin] or [Go home page], into a slice of Text items.
// A “pkg” is only assumed to be a full import path if it starts with
// a domain name (a path element with a dot) or is one of the packages
// from the standard library (“[os]”, “[encoding/json]”, and so on).
// To avoid problems with maps, generics, and array types, doc links
// must be both preceded and followed by punctuation, spaces, tabs,
// or the start or end of a line. An example problem would be treating
// map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue as containing a link.
func (d *parseDoc) parseLinkedText(text string) []Text {}

// docLink parses text, which was found inside [ ] brackets,
// as a doc link if possible, returning the DocLink and ok == true
// or else nil, false.
// The before and after strings are the text before the [ and after the ]
// on the same line. Doc links must be preceded and followed by
// punctuation, spaces, tabs, or the start or end of a line.
func (d *parseDoc) docLink(text, before, after string) (link *DocLink, ok bool) {}

// If text is of the form before.Name, where Name is a capitalized Go identifier,
// then splitDocName returns before, name, true.
// Otherwise it returns text, "", false.
func splitDocName(text string) (before, name string, foundDot bool) {}

// parseText parses s as text and returns the result of appending
// those parsed Text elements to out.
// parseText does not handle explicit links like [math.Sin] or [Go home page]:
// those are handled by parseLinkedText.
// If autoLink is true, then parseText recognizes URLs and words from d.Words
// and converts those to links as appropriate.
func (d *parseDoc) parseText(out []Text, s string, autoLink bool) []Text {}

// autoURL checks whether s begins with a URL that should be hyperlinked.
// If so, it returns the URL, which is a prefix of s, and ok == true.
// Otherwise it returns "", false.
// The caller should skip over the first len(url) bytes of s
// before further processing.
func autoURL(s string) (url string, ok bool) {}

// isScheme reports whether s is a recognized URL scheme.
// Note that if strings of new length (beyond 3-7)
// are added here, the fast path at the top of autoURL will need updating.
func isScheme(s string) bool {}

// isHost reports whether c is a byte that can appear in a URL host,
// like www.example.com or user@[::1]:8080
func isHost(c byte) bool {}

// isPunct reports whether c is a punctuation byte that can appear
// inside a path but not at the end.
func isPunct(c byte) bool {}

// isPath reports whether c is a (non-punctuation) path byte.
func isPath(c byte) bool {}

// isName reports whether s is a capitalized Go identifier (like Name).
func isName(s string) bool {}

// ident checks whether s begins with a Go identifier.
// If so, it returns the identifier, which is a prefix of s, and ok == true.
// Otherwise it returns "", false.
// The caller should skip over the first len(id) bytes of s
// before further processing.
func ident(s string) (id string, ok bool) {}

// isIdentASCII reports whether c is an ASCII identifier byte.
func isIdentASCII(c byte) bool {}

// validImportPath reports whether path is a valid import path.
// It is a lightly edited copy of golang.org/x/mod/module.CheckImportPath.
func validImportPath(path string) bool {}

func validImportPathElem(elem string) bool {}

func importPathOK(c byte) bool {}