
type Package

type Value

type Type

type Func

type Note

type Mode

const AllDecls

const AllMethods

const PreserveAST

// New computes the package documentation for the given package AST.
// New takes ownership of the AST pkg and may edit or overwrite it.
// To have the [Examples] fields populated, use [NewFromFiles] and include
// the package's _test.go files.
func New(pkg *ast.Package, importPath string, mode Mode) *Package {}

func (p *Package) collectValues(values []*Value) {}

func (p *Package) collectTypes(types []*Type) {}

func (p *Package) collectFuncs(funcs []*Func) {}

// NewFromFiles computes documentation for a package.
// The package is specified by a list of *ast.Files and corresponding
// file set, which must not be nil.
// NewFromFiles uses all provided files when computing documentation,
// so it is the caller's responsibility to provide only the files that
// match the desired build context. "go/build".Context.MatchFile can
// be used for determining whether a file matches a build context with
// the desired GOOS and GOARCH values, and other build constraints.
// The import path of the package is specified by importPath.
// Examples found in _test.go files are associated with the corresponding
// type, function, method, or the package, based on their name.
// If the example has a suffix in its name, it is set in the
// [Example.Suffix] field. [Examples] with malformed names are skipped.
// Optionally, a single extra argument of type [Mode] can be provided to
// control low-level aspects of the documentation extraction behavior.
// NewFromFiles takes ownership of the AST files and may edit them,
// unless the PreserveAST Mode bit is on.
func NewFromFiles(fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, importPath string, opts ...any) (*Package, error) {}

// simpleImporter returns a (dummy) package object named by the last path
// component of the provided package path (as is the convention for packages).
// This is sufficient to resolve package identifiers without doing an actual
// import. It never returns an error.
func simpleImporter(imports map[string]*ast.Object, path string) (*ast.Object, error) {}

// lookupSym reports whether the package has a given symbol or method.
// If recv == "", HasSym reports whether the package has a top-level
// const, func, type, or var named name.
// If recv != "", HasSym reports whether the package has a type
// named recv with a method named name.
func (p *Package) lookupSym(recv, name string) bool {}

// lookupPackage returns the import path identified by name
// in the given package. If name uniquely identifies a single import,
// then lookupPackage returns that import.
// If multiple packages are imported as name, importPath returns "", false.
// Otherwise, if name is the name of p itself, importPath returns "", true,
// to signal a reference to p.
// Otherwise, importPath returns "", false.
func (p *Package) lookupPackage(name string) (importPath string, ok bool) {}

// Parser returns a doc comment parser configured
// for parsing doc comments from package p.
// Each call returns a new parser, so that the caller may
// customize it before use.
func (p *Package) Parser() *comment.Parser {}

// Printer returns a doc comment printer configured
// for printing doc comments from package p.
// Each call returns a new printer, so that the caller may
// customize it before use.
func (p *Package) Printer() *comment.Printer {}

// HTML returns formatted HTML for the doc comment text.
// To customize details of the HTML, use [Package.Printer]
// to obtain a [comment.Printer], and configure it
// before calling its HTML method.
func (p *Package) HTML(text string) []byte {}

// Markdown returns formatted Markdown for the doc comment text.
// To customize details of the Markdown, use [Package.Printer]
// to obtain a [comment.Printer], and configure it
// before calling its Markdown method.
func (p *Package) Markdown(text string) []byte {}

// Text returns formatted text for the doc comment text,
// wrapped to 80 Unicode code points and using tabs for
// code block indentation.
// To customize details of the formatting, use [Package.Printer]
// to obtain a [comment.Printer], and configure it
// before calling its Text method.
func (p *Package) Text(text string) []byte {}