
type Example

// Examples returns the examples found in testFiles, sorted by Name field.
// The Order fields record the order in which the examples were encountered.
// The Suffix field is not populated when Examples is called directly, it is
// only populated by [NewFromFiles] for examples it finds in _test.go files.
// Playable Examples must be in a package whose name ends in "_test".
// An Example is "playable" (the Play field is non-nil) in either of these
// circumstances:
//   - The example function is self-contained: the function references only
//     identifiers from other packages (or predeclared identifiers, such as
//     "int") and the test file does not include a dot import.
//   - The entire test file is the example: the file contains exactly one
//     example function, zero test, fuzz test, or benchmark function, and at
//     least one top-level function, type, variable, or constant declaration
//     other than the example function.
func Examples(testFiles ...*ast.File) []*Example {}

var outputPrefix

// Extracts the expected output and whether there was a valid output comment.
func exampleOutput(b *ast.BlockStmt, comments []*ast.CommentGroup) (output string, unordered, ok bool) {}

// isTest tells whether name looks like a test, example, fuzz test, or
// benchmark. It is a Test (say) if there is a character after Test that is not
// a lower-case letter. (We don't want Testiness.)
func isTest(name, prefix string) bool {}

// playExample synthesizes a new *ast.File based on the provided
// file with the provided function body as the body of main.
func playExample(file *ast.File, f *ast.FuncDecl) *ast.File {}

// findDeclsAndUnresolved returns all the top-level declarations mentioned in
// the body, and a set of unresolved symbols (those that appear in the body but
// have no declaration in the program).
// topDecls maps objects to the top-level declaration declaring them (not
// necessarily obj.Decl, as obj.Decl will be a Spec for GenDecls, but
// topDecls[obj] will be the GenDecl itself).
func findDeclsAndUnresolved(body ast.Node, topDecls map[*ast.Object]ast.Decl, typMethods map[string][]ast.Decl) ([]ast.Decl, map[string]bool) {}

func hasIota(s ast.Spec) bool {}

// findImportGroupStarts finds the start positions of each sequence of import
// specs that are not separated by a blank line.
func findImportGroupStarts(imps []*ast.ImportSpec) []token.Pos {}

// Helper for findImportGroupStarts to ease testing.
func findImportGroupStarts1(origImps []*ast.ImportSpec) []*ast.ImportSpec {}

// playExampleFile takes a whole file example and synthesizes a new *ast.File
// such that the example is function main in package main.
func playExampleFile(file *ast.File) *ast.File {}

// stripOutputComment finds and removes the "Output:" or "Unordered output:"
// comment from body and comments, and adjusts the body block's end position.
func stripOutputComment(body *ast.BlockStmt, comments []*ast.CommentGroup) (*ast.BlockStmt, []*ast.CommentGroup) {}

// lastComment returns the last comment inside the provided block.
func lastComment(b *ast.BlockStmt, c []*ast.CommentGroup) (i int, last *ast.CommentGroup) {}

// classifyExamples classifies examples and assigns them to the Examples field
// of the relevant Func, Type, or Package that the example is associated with.
// The classification process is ambiguous in some cases:
//   - ExampleFoo_Bar matches a type named Foo_Bar
//     or a method named Foo.Bar.
//   - ExampleFoo_bar matches a type named Foo_bar
//     or Foo (with a "bar" suffix).
// Examples with malformed names are not associated with anything.
func classifyExamples(p *Package, examples []*Example) {}

// nameWithoutInst returns name if name has no brackets. If name contains
// brackets, then it returns name with all the contents between (and including)
// the outermost left and right bracket removed.
// Adapted from debug/gosym/symtab.go:Sym.nameWithoutInst.
func nameWithoutInst(name string) string {}

// splitExampleName attempts to split example name s at index i,
// and reports if that produces a valid split. The suffix may be
// absent. Otherwise, it must start with a lower-case letter and
// be preceded by '_'.
// One of i == len(s) or s[i] == '_' must be true.
func splitExampleName(s string, i int) (prefix, suffix string, ok bool) {}

func isExampleSuffix(s string) bool {}