
type methodSet

// recvString returns a string representation of recv of the form "T", "*T",
// "T[A, ...]", "*T[A, ...]" or "BADRECV" (if not a proper receiver type).
func recvString(recv ast.Expr) string {}

func recvParam(p ast.Expr) string {}

// set creates the corresponding Func for f and adds it to mset.
// If there are multiple f's with the same name, set keeps the first
// one with documentation; conflicts are ignored. The boolean
// specifies whether to leave the AST untouched.
func (mset methodSet) set(f *ast.FuncDecl, preserveAST bool) {}

// add adds method m to the method set; m is ignored if the method set
// already contains a method with the same name at the same or a higher
// level than m.
func (mset methodSet) add(m *Func) {}

// baseTypeName returns the name of the base type of x (or "")
// and whether the type is imported or not.
func baseTypeName(x ast.Expr) (name string, imported bool) {}

type embeddedSet

type namedType

type reader

func (r *reader) isVisible(name string) bool {}

// lookupType returns the base type with the given name.
// If the base type has not been encountered yet, a new
// type with the given name but no associated declaration
// is added to the type map.
func (r *reader) lookupType(name string) *namedType {}

// recordAnonymousField registers fieldType as the type of an
// anonymous field in the parent type. If the field is imported
// (qualified name) or the parent is nil, the field is ignored.
// The function returns the field name.
func (r *reader) recordAnonymousField(parent *namedType, fieldType ast.Expr) (fname string) {}

func (r *reader) readDoc(comment *ast.CommentGroup) {}

func (r *reader) remember(predecl string, typ *ast.InterfaceType) {}

func specNames(specs []ast.Spec) []string {}

// readValue processes a const or var declaration.
func (r *reader) readValue(decl *ast.GenDecl) {}

// fields returns a struct's fields or an interface's methods.
func fields(typ ast.Expr) (list []*ast.Field, isStruct bool) {}

// readType processes a type declaration.
func (r *reader) readType(decl *ast.GenDecl, spec *ast.TypeSpec) {}

// isPredeclared reports whether n denotes a predeclared type.
func (r *reader) isPredeclared(n string) bool {}

// readFunc processes a func or method declaration.
func (r *reader) readFunc(fun *ast.FuncDecl) {}

// lookupTypeParam searches for type parameters named name within the tparams
// field list, returning the relevant identifier if found, or nil if not.
func lookupTypeParam(name string, tparams *ast.FieldList) *ast.Ident {}

var noteMarker

var noteMarkerRx

var noteCommentRx

// clean replaces each sequence of space, \r, or \t characters
// with a single space and removes any trailing and leading spaces.
func clean(s string) string {}

// readNote collects a single note from a sequence of comments.
func (r *reader) readNote(list []*ast.Comment) {}

// readNotes extracts notes from comments.
// A note must start at the beginning of a comment with "MARKER(uid):"
// and is followed by the note body (e.g., "// BUG(gri): fix this").
// The note ends at the end of the comment group or at the start of
// another note in the same comment group, whichever comes first.
func (r *reader) readNotes(comments []*ast.CommentGroup) {}

// readFile adds the AST for a source file to the reader.
func (r *reader) readFile(src *ast.File) {}

func (r *reader) readPackage(pkg *ast.Package, mode Mode) {}

func customizeRecv(f *Func, recvTypeName string, embeddedIsPtr bool, level int) *Func {}

// collectEmbeddedMethods collects the embedded methods of typ in mset.
func (r *reader) collectEmbeddedMethods(mset methodSet, typ *namedType, recvTypeName string, embeddedIsPtr bool, level int, visited embeddedSet) {}

// computeMethodSets determines the actual method sets for each type encountered.
func (r *reader) computeMethodSets() {}

// cleanupTypes removes the association of functions and methods with
// types that have no declaration. Instead, these functions and methods
// are shown at the package level. It also removes types with missing
// declarations or which are not visible.
func (r *reader) cleanupTypes() {}

func sortedKeys(m map[string]int) []string {}

// sortingName returns the name to use when sorting d into place.
func sortingName(d *ast.GenDecl) string {}

func sortedValues(m []*Value, tok token.Token) []*Value {}

func sortedTypes(m map[string]*namedType, allMethods bool) []*Type {}

func removeStar(s string) string {}

func sortedFuncs(m methodSet, allMethods bool) []*Func {}

// noteBodies returns a list of note body strings given a list of notes.
// This is only used to populate the deprecated Package.Bugs field.
func noteBodies(notes []*Note) []string {}

// IsPredeclared reports whether s is a predeclared identifier.
func IsPredeclared(s string) bool {}

var predeclaredTypes

var predeclaredFuncs

var predeclaredConstants

// assumedPackageName returns the assumed package name
// for a given import path. This is a copy of
// golang.org/x/tools/internal/imports.ImportPathToAssumedName.
func assumedPackageName(importPath string) string {}