
type PackageInit

type InitData

// Locate the file from which to read export data.
// This is intended to replicate the logic in gofrontend.
func findExportFile(searchpaths []string, pkgpath string) (string, error) {}

const gccgov1Magic

const gccgov2Magic

const gccgov3Magic

const goimporterMagic

const archiveMagic

const aixbigafMagic

// Opens the export data file at the given path. If this is an ELF file,
// searches for and opens the .go_export section. If this is an archive,
// reads the export data from the first member, which is assumed to be an ELF file.
// This is intended to replicate the logic in gofrontend.
func openExportFile(fpath string) (reader io.ReadSeeker, closer io.Closer, err error) {}

type Importer

func GetImporter(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) Importer {}

// readMagic reads the four bytes at the start of a ReadSeeker and
// returns them as a string.
func readMagic(reader io.ReadSeeker) (string, error) {}