
type Importer

// New returns a new Importer for the given context, file set, and map
// of packages. The context is used to resolve import paths to package paths,
// and identifying the files belonging to the package. If the context provides
// non-nil file system functions, they are used instead of the regular package
// os functions. The file set is used to track position information of package
// files; and imported packages are added to the packages map.
func New(ctxt *build.Context, fset *token.FileSet, packages map[string]*types.Package) *Importer {}

var importing

// Import(path) is a shortcut for ImportFrom(path, ".", 0).
func (p *Importer) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}

// ImportFrom imports the package with the given import path resolved from the given srcDir,
// adds the new package to the set of packages maintained by the importer, and returns the
// package. Package path resolution and file system operations are controlled by the context
// maintained with the importer. The import mode must be zero but is otherwise ignored.
// Packages that are not comprised entirely of pure Go files may fail to import because the
// type checker may not be able to determine all exported entities (e.g. due to cgo dependencies).
func (p *Importer) ImportFrom(path, srcDir string, mode types.ImportMode) (*types.Package, error) {}

func (p *Importer) parseFiles(dir string, filenames []string) ([]*ast.File, error) {}

func (p *Importer) cgo(bp *build.Package) (*ast.File, error) {}

func (p *Importer) absPath(path string) (string, error) {}

func (p *Importer) isAbsPath(path string) bool {}

func (p *Importer) joinPath(elem ...string) string {}

//go:linkname setUsesCgo go/types.srcimporter_setUsesCgo
func setUsesCgo(conf *types.Config)