
const maxNewlines

const debug

const infinity

type whiteSpace

const ignore

const blank

const vtab

const newline

const formfeed

const indent

const unindent

type pmode

const noExtraBlank

const noExtraLinebreak

type commentInfo

type printer

func (p *printer) internalError(msg ...any) {}

// commentsHaveNewline reports whether a list of comments belonging to
// an *ast.CommentGroup contains newlines. Because the position information
// may only be partially correct, we also have to read the comment text.
func (p *printer) commentsHaveNewline(list []*ast.Comment) bool {}

func (p *printer) nextComment() {}

// commentBefore reports whether the current comment group occurs
// before the next position in the source code and printing it does
// not introduce implicit semicolons.
func (p *printer) commentBefore(next token.Position) bool {}

// commentSizeBefore returns the estimated size of the
// comments on the same line before the next position.
func (p *printer) commentSizeBefore(next token.Position) int {}

// recordLine records the output line number for the next non-whitespace
// token in *linePtr. It is used to compute an accurate line number for a
// formatted construct, independent of pending (not yet emitted) whitespace
// or comments.
func (p *printer) recordLine(linePtr *int) {}

// linesFrom returns the number of output lines between the current
// output line and the line argument, ignoring any pending (not yet
// emitted) whitespace or comments. It is used to compute an accurate
// size (in number of lines) for a formatted construct.
func (p *printer) linesFrom(line int) int {}

func (p *printer) posFor(pos token.Pos) token.Position {}

func (p *printer) lineFor(pos token.Pos) int {}

// writeLineDirective writes a //line directive if necessary.
func (p *printer) writeLineDirective(pos token.Position) {}

// writeIndent writes indentation.
func (p *printer) writeIndent() {}

// writeByte writes ch n times to p.output and updates p.pos.
// Only used to write formatting (white space) characters.
func (p *printer) writeByte(ch byte, n int) {}

// writeString writes the string s to p.output and updates p.pos, p.out,
// and p.last. If isLit is set, s is escaped w/ tabwriter.Escape characters
// to protect s from being interpreted by the tabwriter.
// Note: writeString is only used to write Go tokens, literals, and
// comments, all of which must be written literally. Thus, it is correct
// to always set isLit = true. However, setting it explicitly only when
// needed (i.e., when we don't know that s contains no tabs or line breaks)
// avoids processing extra escape characters and reduces run time of the
// printer benchmark by up to 10%.
func (p *printer) writeString(pos token.Position, s string, isLit bool) {}

// writeCommentPrefix writes the whitespace before a comment.
// If there is any pending whitespace, it consumes as much of
// it as is likely to help position the comment nicely.
// pos is the comment position, next the position of the item
// after all pending comments, prev is the previous comment in
// a group of comments (or nil), and tok is the next token.
func (p *printer) writeCommentPrefix(pos, next token.Position, prev *ast.Comment, tok token.Token) {}

// Returns true if s contains only white space
// (only tabs and blanks can appear in the printer's context).
func isBlank(s string) bool {}

// commonPrefix returns the common prefix of a and b.
func commonPrefix(a, b string) string {}

// trimRight returns s with trailing whitespace removed.
func trimRight(s string) string {}

// stripCommonPrefix removes a common prefix from /*-style comment lines (unless no
// comment line is indented, all but the first line have some form of space prefix).
// The prefix is computed using heuristics such that is likely that the comment
// contents are nicely laid out after re-printing each line using the printer's
// current indentation.
func stripCommonPrefix(lines []string) {}

func (p *printer) writeComment(comment *ast.Comment) {}

// writeCommentSuffix writes a line break after a comment if indicated
// and processes any leftover indentation information. If a line break
// is needed, the kind of break (newline vs formfeed) depends on the
// pending whitespace. The writeCommentSuffix result indicates if a
// newline was written or if a formfeed was dropped from the whitespace
// buffer.
func (p *printer) writeCommentSuffix(needsLinebreak bool) (wroteNewline, droppedFF bool) {}

// containsLinebreak reports whether the whitespace buffer contains any line breaks.
func (p *printer) containsLinebreak() bool {}

// intersperseComments consumes all comments that appear before the next token
// tok and prints it together with the buffered whitespace (i.e., the whitespace
// that needs to be written before the next token). A heuristic is used to mix
// the comments and whitespace. The intersperseComments result indicates if a
// newline was written or if a formfeed was dropped from the whitespace buffer.
func (p *printer) intersperseComments(next token.Position, tok token.Token) (wroteNewline, droppedFF bool) {}

// writeWhitespace writes the first n whitespace entries.
func (p *printer) writeWhitespace(n int) {}

// nlimit limits n to maxNewlines.
func nlimit(n int) int {}

func mayCombine(prev token.Token, next byte) (b bool) {}

func (p *printer) setPos(pos token.Pos) {}

// print prints a list of "items" (roughly corresponding to syntactic
// tokens, but also including whitespace and formatting information).
// It is the only print function that should be called directly from
// any of the AST printing functions in nodes.go.
// Whitespace is accumulated until a non-whitespace token appears. Any
// comments that need to appear before that token are printed first,
// taking into account the amount and structure of any pending white-
// space for best comment placement. Then, any leftover whitespace is
// printed, followed by the actual token.
func (p *printer) print(args ...any) {}

// flush prints any pending comments and whitespace occurring textually
// before the position of the next token tok. The flush result indicates
// if a newline was written or if a formfeed was dropped from the whitespace
// buffer.
func (p *printer) flush(next token.Position, tok token.Token) (wroteNewline, droppedFF bool) {}

// getDoc returns the ast.CommentGroup associated with n, if any.
func getDoc(n ast.Node) *ast.CommentGroup {}

func getLastComment(n ast.Node) *ast.CommentGroup {}

func (p *printer) printNode(node any) error {}

type trimmer

const inSpace

const inEscape

const inText

func (p *trimmer) resetSpace() {}

var aNewline

func (p *trimmer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {}

type Mode

const RawFormat

const TabIndent

const UseSpaces

const SourcePos

const normalizeNumbers

type Config

var printerPool

func newPrinter(cfg *Config, fset *token.FileSet, nodeSizes map[ast.Node]int) *printer {}

func (p *printer) free() {}

// fprint implements Fprint and takes a nodesSizes map for setting up the printer state.
func (cfg *Config) fprint(output io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, node any, nodeSizes map[ast.Node]int) (err error) {}

type CommentedNode

// Fprint "pretty-prints" an AST node to output for a given configuration cfg.
// Position information is interpreted relative to the file set fset.
// The node type must be *[ast.File], *[CommentedNode], [][ast.Decl], [][ast.Stmt],
// or assignment-compatible to [ast.Expr], [ast.Decl], [ast.Spec], or [ast.Stmt].
func (cfg *Config) Fprint(output io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, node any) error {}

// Fprint "pretty-prints" an AST node to output.
// It calls [Config.Fprint] with default settings.
// Note that gofmt uses tabs for indentation but spaces for alignment;
// use format.Node (package go/format) for output that matches gofmt.
func Fprint(output io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, node any) error {}