
type Seed

// Bytes returns the hash of b with the given seed.
// Bytes is equivalent to, but more convenient and efficient than:
//	var h Hash
//	h.SetSeed(seed)
//	h.Write(b)
//	return h.Sum64()
func Bytes(seed Seed, b []byte) uint64 {}

// String returns the hash of s with the given seed.
// String is equivalent to, but more convenient and efficient than:
//	var h Hash
//	h.SetSeed(seed)
//	h.WriteString(s)
//	return h.Sum64()
func String(seed Seed, s string) uint64 {}

type Hash

const bufSize

// initSeed seeds the hash if necessary.
// initSeed is called lazily before any operation that actually uses h.seed/h.state.
// Note that this does not include Write/WriteByte/WriteString in the case
// where they only add to h.buf. (If they write too much, they call h.flush,
// which does call h.initSeed.)
func (h *Hash) initSeed() {}

// WriteByte adds b to the sequence of bytes hashed by h.
// It never fails; the error result is for implementing [io.ByteWriter].
func (h *Hash) WriteByte(b byte) error {}

// Write adds b to the sequence of bytes hashed by h.
// It always writes all of b and never fails; the count and error result are for implementing [io.Writer].
func (h *Hash) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

// WriteString adds the bytes of s to the sequence of bytes hashed by h.
// It always writes all of s and never fails; the count and error result are for implementing [io.StringWriter].
func (h *Hash) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {}

// Seed returns h's seed value.
func (h *Hash) Seed() Seed {}

// SetSeed sets h to use seed, which must have been returned by [MakeSeed]
// or by another [Hash.Seed] method.
// Two [Hash] objects with the same seed behave identically.
// Two [Hash] objects with different seeds will very likely behave differently.
// Any bytes added to h before this call will be discarded.
func (h *Hash) SetSeed(seed Seed) {}

// Reset discards all bytes added to h.
// (The seed remains the same.)
func (h *Hash) Reset() {}

// precondition: buffer is full.
func (h *Hash) flush() {}

// Sum64 returns h's current 64-bit value, which depends on
// h's seed and the sequence of bytes added to h since the
// last call to [Hash.Reset] or [Hash.SetSeed].
// All bits of the Sum64 result are close to uniformly and
// independently distributed, so it can be safely reduced
// by using bit masking, shifting, or modular arithmetic.
func (h *Hash) Sum64() uint64 {}

// MakeSeed returns a new random seed.
func MakeSeed() Seed {}

// Sum appends the hash's current 64-bit value to b.
// It exists for implementing [hash.Hash].
// For direct calls, it is more efficient to use [Hash.Sum64].
func (h *Hash) Sum(b []byte) []byte {}

// Size returns h's hash value size, 8 bytes.
func (h *Hash) Size() int {}

// BlockSize returns h's block size.
func (h *Hash) BlockSize() int {}

// Comparable returns the hash of comparable value v with the given seed
// such that Comparable(s, v1) == Comparable(s, v2) if v1 == v2.
// If v != v, then the resulting hash is randomly distributed.
func Comparable[T comparable](seed Seed, v T) uint64 {}

func comparableReady[T comparable](v T) {}

// WriteComparable adds x to the data hashed by h.
func WriteComparable[T comparable](h *Hash, x T) {}

// appendT hash a value,
// when the value cannot be directly hash raw memory,
// or when purego is used.
func appendT(h *Hash, v reflect.Value) {}

func (h *Hash) float64(f float64) {}

func btoi(b bool) byte {}