
// escapeTemplate rewrites the named template, which must be
// associated with t, to guarantee that the output of any of the named
// templates is properly escaped. If no error is returned, then the named templates have
// been modified. Otherwise the named templates have been rendered
// unusable.
func escapeTemplate(tmpl *Template, node parse.Node, name string) error {}

// evalArgs formats the list of arguments into a string. It is equivalent to
// fmt.Sprint(args...), except that it dereferences all pointers.
func evalArgs(args ...any) string {}

var funcMap

type escaper

type rangeContext

// makeEscaper creates a blank escaper for the given set.
func makeEscaper(n *nameSpace) escaper {}

const filterFailsafe

// escape escapes a template node.
func (e *escaper) escape(c context, n parse.Node) context {}

var debugAllowActionJSTmpl

// escapeAction escapes an action template node.
func (e *escaper) escapeAction(c context, n *parse.ActionNode) context {}

// ensurePipelineContains ensures that the pipeline ends with the commands with
// the identifiers in s in order. If the pipeline ends with a predefined escaper
// (i.e. "html" or "urlquery"), merge it with the identifiers in s.
func ensurePipelineContains(p *parse.PipeNode, s []string) {}

var predefinedEscapers

var equivEscapers

// escFnsEq reports whether the two escaping functions are equivalent.
func escFnsEq(a, b string) bool {}

// normalizeEscFn(a) is equal to normalizeEscFn(b) for any pair of names of
// escaper functions a and b that are equivalent.
func normalizeEscFn(e string) string {}

var redundantFuncs

// appendCmd appends the given command to the end of the command pipeline
// unless it is redundant with the last command.
func appendCmd(cmds []*parse.CommandNode, cmd *parse.CommandNode) []*parse.CommandNode {}

// newIdentCmd produces a command containing a single identifier node.
func newIdentCmd(identifier string, pos parse.Pos) *parse.CommandNode {}

// nudge returns the context that would result from following empty string
// transitions from the input context.
// For example, parsing:
//	`<a href=`
// will end in context{stateBeforeValue, attrURL}, but parsing one extra rune:
//	`<a href=x`
// will end in context{stateURL, delimSpaceOrTagEnd, ...}.
// There are two transitions that happen when the 'x' is seen:
// (1) Transition from a before-value state to a start-of-value state without
//	consuming any character.
// (2) Consume 'x' and transition past the first value character.
// In this case, nudging produces the context after (1) happens.
func nudge(c context) context {}

// join joins the two contexts of a branch template node. The result is an
// error context if either of the input contexts are error contexts, or if the
// input contexts differ.
func join(a, b context, node parse.Node, nodeName string) context {}

// escapeBranch escapes a branch template node: "if", "range" and "with".
func (e *escaper) escapeBranch(c context, n *parse.BranchNode, nodeName string) context {}

func joinRange(c0 context, rc *rangeContext) context {}

// escapeList escapes a list template node.
func (e *escaper) escapeList(c context, n *parse.ListNode) context {}

// escapeListConditionally escapes a list node but only preserves edits and
// inferences in e if the inferences and output context satisfy filter.
// It returns the best guess at an output context, and the result of the filter
// which is the same as whether e was updated.
func (e *escaper) escapeListConditionally(c context, n *parse.ListNode, filter func(*escaper, context) bool) (context, bool) {}

// escapeTemplate escapes a {{template}} call node.
func (e *escaper) escapeTemplate(c context, n *parse.TemplateNode) context {}

// escapeTree escapes the named template starting in the given context as
// necessary and returns its output context.
func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, node parse.Node, name string, line int) (context, string) {}

// computeOutCtx takes a template and its start context and computes the output
// context while storing any inferences in e.
func (e *escaper) computeOutCtx(c context, t *template.Template) context {}

// escapeTemplateBody escapes the given template assuming the given output
// context, and returns the best guess at the output context and whether the
// assumption was correct.
func (e *escaper) escapeTemplateBody(c context, t *template.Template) (context, bool) {}

var delimEnds

var specialScriptTagRE

var specialScriptTagReplacement

func containsSpecialScriptTag(s []byte) bool {}

func escapeSpecialScriptTags(s []byte) []byte {}

var doctypeBytes

// escapeText escapes a text template node.
func (e *escaper) escapeText(c context, n *parse.TextNode) context {}

// contextAfterText starts in context c, consumes some tokens from the front of
// s, then returns the context after those tokens and the unprocessed suffix.
func contextAfterText(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {}

// editActionNode records a change to an action pipeline for later commit.
func (e *escaper) editActionNode(n *parse.ActionNode, cmds []string) {}

// editTemplateNode records a change to a {{template}} callee for later commit.
func (e *escaper) editTemplateNode(n *parse.TemplateNode, callee string) {}

// editTextNode records a change to a text node for later commit.
func (e *escaper) editTextNode(n *parse.TextNode, text []byte) {}

// commit applies changes to actions and template calls needed to contextually
// autoescape content and adds any derived templates to the set.
func (e *escaper) commit() {}

// template returns the named template given a mangled template name.
func (e *escaper) template(name string) *template.Template {}

// arbitraryTemplate returns an arbitrary template from the name space
// associated with e and panics if no templates are found.
func (e *escaper) arbitraryTemplate() *Template {}

// HTMLEscape writes to w the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data b.
func HTMLEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {}

// HTMLEscapeString returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data s.
func HTMLEscapeString(s string) string {}

// HTMLEscaper returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual
// representation of its arguments.
func HTMLEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// JSEscape writes to w the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data b.
func JSEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {}

// JSEscapeString returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data s.
func JSEscapeString(s string) string {}

// JSEscaper returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the textual
// representation of its arguments.
func JSEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// URLQueryEscaper returns the escaped value of the textual representation of
// its arguments in a form suitable for embedding in a URL query.
func URLQueryEscaper(args ...any) string {}