
// htmlNospaceEscaper escapes for inclusion in unquoted attribute values.
func htmlNospaceEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// attrEscaper escapes for inclusion in quoted attribute values.
func attrEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// rcdataEscaper escapes for inclusion in an RCDATA element body.
func rcdataEscaper(args ...any) string {}

// htmlEscaper escapes for inclusion in HTML text.
func htmlEscaper(args ...any) string {}

var htmlReplacementTable

var htmlNormReplacementTable

var htmlNospaceReplacementTable

var htmlNospaceNormReplacementTable

// htmlReplacer returns s with runes replaced according to replacementTable
// and when badRunes is true, certain bad runes are allowed through unescaped.
func htmlReplacer(s string, replacementTable []string, badRunes bool) string {}

// stripTags takes a snippet of HTML and returns only the text content.
// For example, `<b>&iexcl;Hi!</b> <script>...</script>` -> `&iexcl;Hi! `.
func stripTags(html string) string {}

// htmlNameFilter accepts valid parts of an HTML attribute or tag name or
// a known-safe HTML attribute.
func htmlNameFilter(args ...any) string {}

// commentEscaper returns the empty string regardless of input.
// Comment content does not correspond to any parsed structure or
// human-readable content, so the simplest and most secure policy is to drop
// content interpolated into comments.
// This approach is equally valid whether or not static comment content is
// removed from the template.
func commentEscaper(args ...any) string {}