
type slowestRGBA

func (p *slowestRGBA) ColorModel() color.Model {}

func (p *slowestRGBA) Bounds() image.Rectangle {}

func (p *slowestRGBA) At(x, y int) color.Color {}

func (p *slowestRGBA) RGBA64At(x, y int) color.RGBA64 {}

func (p *slowestRGBA) Set(x, y int, c color.Color) {}

func (p *slowestRGBA) PixOffset(x, y int) int {}

func convertToSlowestRGBA(m image.Image) *slowestRGBA {}

func init() {}

type slowerRGBA

func (p *slowerRGBA) ColorModel() color.Model {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) Bounds() image.Rectangle {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) At(x, y int) color.Color {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) RGBA64At(x, y int) color.RGBA64 {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) Set(x, y int, c color.Color) {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) SetRGBA64(x, y int, c color.RGBA64) {}

func (p *slowerRGBA) PixOffset(x, y int) int {}

func convertToSlowerRGBA(m image.Image) *slowerRGBA {}

func init() {}

func eq(c0, c1 color.Color) bool {}

func fillBlue(alpha int) image.Image {}

func fillAlpha(alpha int) image.Image {}

func vgradGreen(alpha int) image.Image {}

func vgradAlpha(alpha int) image.Image {}

func vgradGreenNRGBA(alpha int) image.Image {}

func vgradCr() image.Image {}

func vgradGray() image.Image {}

func vgradMagenta() image.Image {}

func hgradRed(alpha int) Image {}

func gradYellow(alpha int) Image {}

type drawTest

var drawTests

func makeGolden(dst image.Image, r image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sp image.Point, mask image.Image, mp image.Point, op Op) image.Image {}

func TestDraw(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDrawOverlap(t *testing.T) {}

// TestNonZeroSrcPt checks drawing with a non-zero src point parameter.
func TestNonZeroSrcPt(t *testing.T) {}

func TestFill(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDrawSrcNonpremultiplied(t *testing.T) {}

// TestFloydSteinbergCheckerboard tests that the result of Floyd-Steinberg
// error diffusion of a uniform 50% gray source image with a black-and-white
// palette is a checkerboard pattern.
func TestFloydSteinbergCheckerboard(t *testing.T) {}

type embeddedPaletted

// TestPaletted tests that the drawPaletted function behaves the same
// regardless of whether dst is an *image.Paletted.
func TestPaletted(t *testing.T) {}

func TestSqDiff(t *testing.T) {}