
const gcLabel

const gcBlockSize

var log2Lookup

func log2(x int) int {}

type writer

type encoder

type blockWriter

func (b blockWriter) setup() {}

func (b blockWriter) Flush() error {}

func (b blockWriter) WriteByte(c byte) error {}

// blockWriter must be an io.Writer for lzw.NewWriter, but this is never
// actually called.
func (b blockWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {}

func (b blockWriter) close() {}

func (e *encoder) flush() {}

func (e *encoder) write(p []byte) {}

func (e *encoder) writeByte(b byte) {}

func (e *encoder) writeHeader() {}

func encodeColorTable(dst []byte, p color.Palette, size int) (int, error) {}

func (e *encoder) colorTablesMatch(localLen, transparentIndex int) bool {}

func (e *encoder) writeImageBlock(pm *image.Paletted, delay int, disposal byte) {}

type Options

// EncodeAll writes the images in g to w in GIF format with the
// given loop count and delay between frames.
func EncodeAll(w io.Writer, g *GIF) error {}

// Encode writes the Image m to w in GIF format.
func Encode(w io.Writer, m image.Image, o *Options) error {}