
// TestDecodeProgressive tests that decoding the baseline and progressive
// versions of the same image result in exactly the same pixel data, in YCbCr
// space for color images, and Y space for grayscale images.
func TestDecodeProgressive(t *testing.T) {}

func decodeFile(filename string) (image.Image, error) {}

type eofReader

func (r *eofReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {}

func TestDecodeEOF(t *testing.T) {}

// check checks that the two pix data are equal, within the given bounds.
func check(bounds image.Rectangle, pix0, pix1 []byte, stride0, stride1 int) error {}

func pixString(pix []byte, stride, x, y int) string {}

func TestTruncatedSOSDataDoesntPanic(t *testing.T) {}

func TestLargeImageWithShortData(t *testing.T) {}

func TestPaddedRSTMarker(t *testing.T) {}

func TestExtraneousData(t *testing.T) {}

func TestIssue56724(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBadRestartMarker(t *testing.T) {}

func benchmarkDecode(b *testing.B, filename string) {}

func BenchmarkDecodeBaseline(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkDecodeProgressive(b *testing.B) {}