
type YCbCrSubsampleRatio

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio444

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio422

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio420

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio440

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio411

const YCbCrSubsampleRatio410

func (s YCbCrSubsampleRatio) String() string {}

type YCbCr

func (p *YCbCr) ColorModel() color.Model {}

func (p *YCbCr) Bounds() Rectangle {}

func (p *YCbCr) At(x, y int) color.Color {}

func (p *YCbCr) RGBA64At(x, y int) color.RGBA64 {}

func (p *YCbCr) YCbCrAt(x, y int) color.YCbCr {}

// YOffset returns the index of the first element of Y that corresponds to
// the pixel at (x, y).
func (p *YCbCr) YOffset(x, y int) int {}

// COffset returns the index of the first element of Cb or Cr that corresponds
// to the pixel at (x, y).
func (p *YCbCr) COffset(x, y int) int {}

// SubImage returns an image representing the portion of the image p visible
// through r. The returned value shares pixels with the original image.
func (p *YCbCr) SubImage(r Rectangle) Image {}

func (p *YCbCr) Opaque() bool {}

func yCbCrSize(r Rectangle, subsampleRatio YCbCrSubsampleRatio) (w, h, cw, ch int) {}

// NewYCbCr returns a new YCbCr image with the given bounds and subsample
// ratio.
func NewYCbCr(r Rectangle, subsampleRatio YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *YCbCr {}

type NYCbCrA

func (p *NYCbCrA) ColorModel() color.Model {}

func (p *NYCbCrA) At(x, y int) color.Color {}

func (p *NYCbCrA) RGBA64At(x, y int) color.RGBA64 {}

func (p *NYCbCrA) NYCbCrAAt(x, y int) color.NYCbCrA {}

// AOffset returns the index of the first element of A that corresponds to the
// pixel at (x, y).
func (p *NYCbCrA) AOffset(x, y int) int {}

// SubImage returns an image representing the portion of the image p visible
// through r. The returned value shares pixels with the original image.
func (p *NYCbCrA) SubImage(r Rectangle) Image {}

// Opaque scans the entire image and reports whether it is fully opaque.
func (p *NYCbCrA) Opaque() bool {}

// NewNYCbCrA returns a new [NYCbCrA] image with the given bounds and subsample
// ratio.
func NewNYCbCrA(r Rectangle, subsampleRatio YCbCrSubsampleRatio) *NYCbCrA {}