
const offsetX86HasSSE42

const offsetX86HasAVX2

const offsetX86HasPOPCNT

const offsetS390xHasVX

const offsetPPC64HasPOWER9

var MaxLen

const PrimeRK

// HashStr returns the hash and the appropriate multiplicative
// factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
func HashStr[T string | []byte](sep T) (uint32, uint32) {}

// HashStrRev returns the hash of the reverse of sep and the
// appropriate multiplicative factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
func HashStrRev[T string | []byte](sep T) (uint32, uint32) {}

// IndexRabinKarp uses the Rabin-Karp search algorithm to return the index of the
// first occurrence of sep in s, or -1 if not present.
func IndexRabinKarp[T string | []byte](s, sep T) int {}

// LastIndexRabinKarp uses the Rabin-Karp search algorithm to return the last index of the
// occurrence of sep in s, or -1 if not present.
func LastIndexRabinKarp[T string | []byte](s, sep T) int {}

// MakeNoZero makes a slice of length n and capacity of at least n Bytes
// without zeroing the bytes (including the bytes between len and cap).
// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure uninitialized bytes
// do not leak to the end user.
func MakeNoZero(n int) []byte