
const ctrInc

const ctrMax

const chunk

const reseed

// block is the chacha8rand block function.
func block(seed *[4]uint64, blocks *[32]uint64, counter uint32)

type State

// Next returns the next random value, along with a boolean
// indicating whether one was available.
// If one is not available, the caller should call Refill
// and then repeat the call to Next.
// Next is //go:nosplit to allow its use in the runtime
// with per-m data without holding the per-m lock.
func (s *State) Next() (uint64, bool) {}

// Init seeds the State with the given seed value.
func (s *State) Init(seed [32]byte) {}

// Init64 seeds the state with the given seed value.
func (s *State) Init64(seed [4]uint64) {}

// Refill refills the state with more random values.
// After a call to Refill, an immediate call to Next will succeed
// (unless multiple goroutines are incorrectly sharing a state).
func (s *State) Refill() {}

// Reseed reseeds the state with new random values.
// After a call to Reseed, any previously returned random values
// have been erased from the memory of the state and cannot be
// recovered.
func (s *State) Reseed() {}

// Marshal marshals the state into a byte slice.
// Marshal and Unmarshal are functions, not methods,
// so that they will not be linked into the runtime
// when it uses the State struct, since the runtime
// does not need these.
func Marshal(s *State) []byte {}

type errUnmarshalChaCha8

func (*errUnmarshalChaCha8) Error() string {}

// Unmarshal unmarshals the state from a byte slice.
func Unmarshal(s *State, data []byte) error {}