
func testGoCoverDir(t *testing.T) string {}

// TestTestSupport does a basic verification of the functionality in
// ProcessCoverTestDir (doing this here as opposed to
// relying on other test paths will provide a better signal when
// running "go test -cover" for this package).
func TestTestSupport(t *testing.T) {}

// Kicks off a sub-test to verify that Snapshot() works properly.
// We do this as a separate shell-out, so as to avoid potential
// interactions with -coverpkg. For example, if you do
//	$ cd `go env GOROOT`
//	$ cd src/internal/coverage
//	$ go test -coverpkg=internal/coverage/decodecounter ./...
//	...
//	$
// The previous version of this test could fail due to the fact
// that "cfile" itself was not being instrumented, as in the
// scenario above.
func TestCoverageSnapshot(t *testing.T) {}

const hellogo

// Returns a pair F,T where F is a meta-data file generated from
// "hello.go" above, and T is a token to look for that should be
// present in the coverage report from F.
func genAuxMeta(t *testing.T, dstdir string) (string, string) {}

func TestAuxMetaDataFiles(t *testing.T) {}