
type ModeMergePolicy

const ModeMergeStrict

const ModeMergeRelaxed

type Merger

func (cm *Merger) SetModeMergePolicy(policy ModeMergePolicy) {}

// MergeCounters takes the counter values in 'src' and merges them
// into 'dst' according to the correct counter mode.
func (m *Merger) MergeCounters(dst, src []uint32) (error, bool) {}

// Saturating add does a saturating addition of 'dst' and 'src',
// returning added value or math.MaxUint32 if there is an overflow.
// Overflows are recorded in case the client needs to track them.
func (m *Merger) SaturatingAdd(dst, src uint32) uint32 {}

// Saturating add does a saturating addition of 'dst' and 'src',
// returning added value or math.MaxUint32 plus an overflow flag.
func SaturatingAdd(dst, src uint32) (uint32, bool) {}

// SetModeAndGranularity records the counter mode and granularity for
// the current merge. In the specific case of merging across coverage
// data files from different binaries, where we're combining data from
// more than one meta-data file, we need to check for and resolve
// mode/granularity clashes.
func (cm *Merger) SetModeAndGranularity(mdf string, cmode coverage.CounterMode, cgran coverage.CounterGranularity) error {}

func (cm *Merger) ResetModeAndGranularity() {}

func (cm *Merger) Mode() coverage.CounterMode {}

func (cm *Merger) Granularity() coverage.CounterGranularity {}