
type CovMetaBlob

type CovCounterBlob

var Meta

// AddMeta is invoked during package "init" functions by the
// compiler when compiling for coverage instrumentation; here 'p' is a
// meta-data blob of length 'dlen' for the package in question, 'hash'
// is a compiler-computed md5.sum for the blob, 'pkpath' is the
// package path, 'pkid' is the hard-coded ID that the compiler is
// using for the package (or -1 if the compiler doesn't think a
// hard-coded ID is needed), and 'cmode'/'cgran' are the coverage
// counter mode and granularity requested by the user. Return value is
// the ID for the package for use by the package code itself,
// or 0 for impossible errors.
func AddMeta(p unsafe.Pointer, dlen uint32, hash [16]byte, pkgpath string, pkgid int, cmode uint8, cgran uint8) uint32 {}