
var DebugOptions

type CacheLinePad

var CacheLineSize

var X86

var ARM

var ARM64

var Loong64

var MIPS64X

var PPC64

var S390X

// Initialize examines the processor and sets the relevant variables above.
// This is called by the runtime package early in program initialization,
// before normal init functions are run. env is set by runtime if the OS supports
// cpu feature options in GODEBUG.
func Initialize(env string) {}

var options

type option

// processOptions enables or disables CPU feature values based on the parsed env string.
// The env string is expected to be of the form cpu.feature1=value1,cpu.feature2=value2...
// where feature names is one of the architecture specific list stored in the
// cpu packages options variable and values are either 'on' or 'off'.
// If env contains cpu.all=off then all cpu features referenced through the options
// variable are disabled. Other feature names and values result in warning messages.
func processOptions(env string) {}

// indexByte returns the index of the first instance of c in s,
// or -1 if c is not present in s.
// indexByte is semantically the same as [strings.IndexByte].
// We copy this function because "internal/cpu" should not have external dependencies.
func indexByte(s string, c byte) int {}