
var errInvalidPath

type lazybuf

func (b *lazybuf) index(i int) byte {}

func (b *lazybuf) append(c byte) {}

func (b *lazybuf) prepend(prefix ...byte) {}

func (b *lazybuf) string() string {}

// Clean is filepath.Clean.
func Clean(path string) string {}

// IsLocal is filepath.IsLocal.
func IsLocal(path string) bool {}

func unixIsLocal(path string) bool {}

// Localize is filepath.Localize.
func Localize(path string) (string, error) {}

// ToSlash is filepath.ToSlash.
func ToSlash(path string) string {}

// FromSlash is filepath.ToSlash.
func FromSlash(path string) string {}

func replaceStringByte(s string, old, new byte) string {}

// Split is filepath.Split.
func Split(path string) (dir, file string) {}

// Ext is filepath.Ext.
func Ext(path string) string {}

// Base is filepath.Base.
func Base(path string) string {}

// Dir is filepath.Dir.
func Dir(path string) string {}

// VolumeName is filepath.VolumeName.
func VolumeName(path string) string {}

// VolumeNameLen returns the length of the leading volume name on Windows.
// It returns 0 elsewhere.
func VolumeNameLen(path string) int {}