
type CoordinateFuzzingOpts

// CoordinateFuzzing creates several worker processes and communicates with
// them to test random inputs that could trigger crashes and expose bugs.
// The worker processes run the same binary in the same directory with the
// same environment variables as the coordinator process. Workers also run
// with the same arguments as the coordinator, except with the -test.fuzzworker
// flag prepended to the argument list.
// If a crash occurs, the function will return an error containing information
// about the crash, which can be reported to the user.
func CoordinateFuzzing(ctx context.Context, opts CoordinateFuzzingOpts) (err error) {}

type crashError

func (e *crashError) Error() string {}

func (e *crashError) Unwrap() error {}

func (e *crashError) CrashPath() string {}

type corpus

// addCorpusEntries adds entries to the corpus, and optionally writes the entries
// to the cache directory. If an entry is already in the corpus it is skipped. If
// all of the entries are unique, addCorpusEntries returns true and a nil error,
// if at least one of the entries was a duplicate, it returns false and a nil error.
func (c *coordinator) addCorpusEntries(addToCache bool, entries ...CorpusEntry) (bool, error) {}

type CorpusEntry

// corpusEntryData returns the raw input bytes, either from the data struct
// field, or from disk.
func corpusEntryData(ce CorpusEntry) ([]byte, error) {}

type fuzzInput

type fuzzResult

type fuzzMinimizeInput

type coordinator

func newCoordinator(opts CoordinateFuzzingOpts) (*coordinator, error) {}

func (c *coordinator) updateStats(result fuzzResult) {}

func (c *coordinator) logStats() {}

// peekInput returns the next value that should be sent to workers.
// If the number of executions is limited, the returned value includes
// a limit for one worker. If there are no executions left, peekInput returns
// a zero value and false.
// peekInput doesn't actually remove the input from the queue. The caller
// must call sentInput after sending the input.
// If the input queue is empty and the coverage/testing-only run has completed,
// queue refills it from the corpus.
func (c *coordinator) peekInput() (fuzzInput, bool) {}

// sentInput updates internal counters after an input is sent to c.inputC.
func (c *coordinator) sentInput(input fuzzInput) {}

// refillInputQueue refills the input queue from the corpus after it becomes
// empty.
func (c *coordinator) refillInputQueue() {}

// queueForMinimization creates a fuzzMinimizeInput from result and adds it
// to the minimization queue to be sent to workers.
func (c *coordinator) queueForMinimization(result fuzzResult, keepCoverage []byte) {}

// peekMinimizeInput returns the next input that should be sent to workers for
// minimization.
func (c *coordinator) peekMinimizeInput() (fuzzMinimizeInput, bool) {}

// sentMinimizeInput removes an input from the minimization queue after it's
// sent to minimizeC.
func (c *coordinator) sentMinimizeInput(input fuzzMinimizeInput) {}

// warmupRun returns true while the coordinator is running inputs without
// mutating them as a warmup before fuzzing. This could be to gather baseline
// coverage data for entries in the corpus, or to test all of the seed corpus
// for errors before fuzzing begins.
// The coordinator doesn't store coverage data in the cache with each input
// because that data would be invalid when counter offsets in the test binary
// change.
// When gathering coverage, the coordinator sends each entry to a worker to
// gather coverage for that entry only, without fuzzing or minimizing. This
// phase ends when all workers have finished, and the coordinator has a combined
// coverage map.
func (c *coordinator) warmupRun() bool {}

// updateCoverage sets bits in c.coverageMask that are set in newCoverage.
// updateCoverage returns the number of newly set bits. See the comment on
// coverageMask for the format.
func (c *coordinator) updateCoverage(newCoverage []byte) int {}

// canMinimize returns whether the coordinator should attempt to find smaller
// inputs that reproduce a crash or new coverage.
func (c *coordinator) canMinimize() bool {}

func (c *coordinator) elapsed() time.Duration {}

// readCache creates a combined corpus from seed values and values in the cache
// (in GOCACHE/fuzz).
// TODO(fuzzing): need a mechanism that can remove values that
// aren't useful anymore, for example, because they have the wrong type.
func (c *coordinator) readCache() error {}

type MalformedCorpusError

func (e *MalformedCorpusError) Error() string {}

// ReadCorpus reads the corpus from the provided dir. The returned corpus
// entries are guaranteed to match the given types. Any malformed files will
// be saved in a MalformedCorpusError and returned, along with the most recent
// error.
func ReadCorpus(dir string, types []reflect.Type) ([]CorpusEntry, error) {}

func readCorpusData(data []byte, types []reflect.Type) ([]any, error) {}

// CheckCorpus verifies that the types in vals match the expected types
// provided.
func CheckCorpus(vals []any, types []reflect.Type) error {}

// writeToCorpus atomically writes the given bytes to a new file in testdata. If
// the directory does not exist, it will create one. If the file already exists,
// writeToCorpus will not rewrite it. writeToCorpus sets entry.Path to the new
// file that was just written or an error if it failed.
func writeToCorpus(entry *CorpusEntry, dir string) (err error) {}

func testName(path string) string {}

func zeroValue(t reflect.Type) any {}

var zeroVals

var debugInfo

func shouldPrintDebugInfo() bool {}

func (c *coordinator) debugLogf(format string, args ...any) {}