
type mutator

func newMutator() *mutator {}

func (m *mutator) rand(n int) int {}

func (m *mutator) randByteOrder() binary.ByteOrder {}

// chooseLen chooses length of range mutation in range [1,n]. It gives
// preference to shorter ranges.
func (m *mutator) chooseLen(n int) int {}

// mutate performs several mutations on the provided values.
func (m *mutator) mutate(vals []any, maxBytes int) {}

func (m *mutator) mutateInt(v, maxValue int64) int64 {}

func (m *mutator) mutateUInt(v, maxValue uint64) uint64 {}

func (m *mutator) mutateFloat(v, maxValue float64) float64 {}

type byteSliceMutator

var byteSliceMutators

func (m *mutator) mutateBytes(ptrB *[]byte) {}

var interesting8

var interesting16

var interesting32

const maxUint

const maxInt

func init() {}