
type sharedMemSys

func sharedMemMapFile(f *os.File, size int, removeOnClose bool) (*sharedMem, error) {}

// Close unmaps the shared memory and closes the temporary file. If this
// sharedMem was created with sharedMemTempFile, Close also removes the file.
func (m *sharedMem) Close() error {}

// setWorkerComm configures communication channels on the cmd that will
// run a worker process.
func setWorkerComm(cmd *exec.Cmd, comm workerComm) {}

// getWorkerComm returns communication channels in the worker process.
func getWorkerComm() (comm workerComm, err error) {}

// isInterruptError returns whether an error was returned by a process that
// was terminated by an interrupt signal (SIGINT).
func isInterruptError(err error) bool {}

// terminationSignal checks if err is an exec.ExitError with a signal status.
// If it is, terminationSignal returns the signal and true.
// If not, -1 and false.
func terminationSignal(err error) (os.Signal, bool) {}

// isCrashSignal returns whether a signal was likely to have been caused by an
// error in the program that received it, triggered by a fuzz input. For
// example, SIGSEGV would be received after a nil pointer dereference.
// Other signals like SIGKILL or SIGHUP are more likely to have been sent by
// another process, and we shouldn't record a crasher if the worker process
// receives one of these.
// Note that Go installs its own signal handlers on startup, so some of these
// signals may only be received if signal handlers are changed. For example,
// SIGSEGV is normally transformed into a panic that causes the process to exit
// with status 2 if not recovered, which we handle as a crash.
func isCrashSignal(signal os.Signal) bool {}