
const workerFuzzDuration

const workerTimeoutDuration

const workerExitCode

const workerSharedMemSize

type worker

func newWorker(c *coordinator, dir, binPath string, args, env []string) (*worker, error) {}

// cleanup releases persistent resources associated with the worker.
func (w *worker) cleanup() error {}

// coordinate runs the test binary to perform fuzzing.
// coordinate loops until ctx is canceled or a fatal error is encountered.
// If a test process terminates unexpectedly while fuzzing, coordinate will
// attempt to restart and continue unless the termination can be attributed
// to an interruption (from a timer or the user).
// While looping, coordinate receives inputs from the coordinator, passes
// those inputs to the worker process, then passes the results back to
// the coordinator.
func (w *worker) coordinate(ctx context.Context) error {}

// minimize tells a worker process to attempt to find a smaller value that
// either causes an error (if we started minimizing because we found an input
// that causes an error) or preserves new coverage (if we started minimizing
// because we found an input that expands coverage).
func (w *worker) minimize(ctx context.Context, input fuzzMinimizeInput) (min fuzzResult, err error) {}

func (w *worker) isRunning() bool {}

// startAndPing starts the worker process and sends it a message to make sure it
// can communicate.
// startAndPing returns an error if any part of this didn't work, including if
// the context is expired or the worker process was interrupted before it
// responded. Errors that happen after start but before the ping response
// likely indicate that the worker did not call F.Fuzz or called F.Fail first.
// We don't record crashers for these errors.
func (w *worker) startAndPing(ctx context.Context) error {}

// start runs a new worker process.
// If the process couldn't be started, start returns an error. Start won't
// return later termination errors from the process if they occur.
// If the process starts successfully, start returns nil. stop must be called
// once later to clean up, even if the process terminates on its own.
// When the process terminates, w.waitErr is set to the error (if any), and
// w.termC is closed.
func (w *worker) start() (err error) {}

// stop tells the worker process to exit by closing w.client, then blocks until
// it terminates. If the worker doesn't terminate after a short time, stop
// signals it with os.Interrupt (where supported), then os.Kill.
// stop returns the error the process terminated with, if any (same as
// w.waitErr).
// stop must be called at least once after start returns successfully, even if
// the worker process terminates unexpectedly.
func (w *worker) stop() error {}

// RunFuzzWorker is called in a worker process to communicate with the
// coordinator process in order to fuzz random inputs. RunFuzzWorker loops
// until the coordinator tells it to stop.
// fn is a wrapper on the fuzz function. It may return an error to indicate
// a given input "crashed". The coordinator will also record a crasher if
// the function times out or terminates the process.
// RunFuzzWorker returns an error if it could not communicate with the
// coordinator process.
func RunFuzzWorker(ctx context.Context, fn func(CorpusEntry) error) error {}

type call

type minimizeArgs

type minimizeResponse

type fuzzArgs

type fuzzResponse

type pingArgs

type pingResponse

type workerComm

type workerServer

// serve reads serialized RPC messages on fuzzIn. When serve receives a message,
// it calls the corresponding method, then sends the serialized result back
// on fuzzOut.
// serve handles RPC calls synchronously; it will not attempt to read a message
// until the previous call has finished.
// serve returns errors that occurred when communicating over pipes. serve
// does not return errors from method calls; those are passed through serialized
// responses.
func (ws *workerServer) serve(ctx context.Context) error {}

const chainedMutations

// fuzz runs the test function on random variations of the input value in shared
// memory for a limited duration or number of iterations.
// fuzz returns early if it finds an input that crashes the fuzz function (with
// fuzzResponse.Err set) or an input that expands coverage (with
// fuzzResponse.InterestingDuration set).
// fuzz does not modify the input in shared memory. Instead, it saves the
// initial PRNG state in shared memory and increments a counter in shared
// memory before each call to the test function. The caller may reconstruct
// the crashing input with this information, since the PRNG is deterministic.
func (ws *workerServer) fuzz(ctx context.Context, args fuzzArgs) (resp fuzzResponse) {}

func (ws *workerServer) minimize(ctx context.Context, args minimizeArgs) (resp minimizeResponse) {}

// minimizeInput applies a series of minimizing transformations on the provided
// vals, ensuring that each minimization still causes an error, or keeps
// coverage, in fuzzFn. It uses the context to determine how long to run,
// stopping once closed. It returns a bool indicating whether minimization was
// successful and an error if one was found.
func (ws *workerServer) minimizeInput(ctx context.Context, vals []any, mem *sharedMem, args minimizeArgs) (success bool, retErr error) {}

func writeToMem(vals []any, mem *sharedMem) {}

// ping does nothing. The coordinator calls this method to ensure the worker
// has called F.Fuzz and can communicate.
func (ws *workerServer) ping(ctx context.Context, args pingArgs) pingResponse {}

type workerClient

func newWorkerClient(comm workerComm, m *mutator) *workerClient {}

// Close shuts down the connection to the RPC server (the worker process) by
// closing fuzz_in. Close drains fuzz_out (avoiding a SIGPIPE in the worker),
// and closes it after the worker process closes the other end.
func (wc *workerClient) Close() error {}

var errSharedMemClosed

// minimize tells the worker to call the minimize method. See
// workerServer.minimize.
func (wc *workerClient) minimize(ctx context.Context, entryIn CorpusEntry, args minimizeArgs) (entryOut CorpusEntry, resp minimizeResponse, retErr error) {}

// fuzz tells the worker to call the fuzz method. See workerServer.fuzz.
func (wc *workerClient) fuzz(ctx context.Context, entryIn CorpusEntry, args fuzzArgs) (entryOut CorpusEntry, resp fuzzResponse, isInternalError bool, err error) {}

// ping tells the worker to call the ping method. See workerServer.ping.
func (wc *workerClient) ping(ctx context.Context) error {}

// callLocked sends an RPC from the coordinator to the worker process and waits
// for the response. The callLocked may be canceled with ctx.
func (wc *workerClient) callLocked(ctx context.Context, c call, resp any) (err error) {}

type contextReader

func (cr *contextReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {}