
type Setting

type setting

type value

// New returns a new Setting for the $GODEBUG setting with the given name.
// GODEBUGs meant for use by end users must be listed in ../godebugs/table.go,
// which is used for generating and checking various documentation.
// If the name is not listed in that table, New will succeed but calling Value
// on the returned Setting will panic.
// To disable that panic for access to an undocumented setting,
// prefix the name with a #, as in godebug.New("#gofsystrace").
// The # is a signal to New but not part of the key used in $GODEBUG.
// Note that almost all settings should arrange to call [IncNonDefault] precisely
// when program behavior is changing from the default due to the setting
// (not just when the setting is different, but when program behavior changes).
// See the [internal/godebug] package comment for more.
func New(name string) *Setting {}

// Name returns the name of the setting.
func (s *Setting) Name() string {}

// Undocumented reports whether this is an undocumented setting.
func (s *Setting) Undocumented() bool {}

// String returns a printable form for the setting: name=value.
func (s *Setting) String() string {}

// IncNonDefault increments the non-default behavior counter
// associated with the given setting.
// This counter is exposed in the runtime/metrics value
// /godebug/non-default-behavior/<name>:events.
// Note that Value must be called at least once before IncNonDefault.
func (s *Setting) IncNonDefault() {}

func (s *Setting) register() {}

var cache

var empty

// Value returns the current value for the GODEBUG setting s.
// Value maintains an internal cache that is synchronized
// with changes to the $GODEBUG environment variable,
// making Value efficient to call as frequently as needed.
// Clients should therefore typically not attempt their own
// caching of Value's result.
func (s *Setting) Value() string {}

// lookup returns the unique *setting value for the given name.
func lookup(name string) *setting {}

// setUpdate is provided by package runtime.
// It calls update(def, env), where def is the default GODEBUG setting
// and env is the current value of the $GODEBUG environment variable.
// After that first call, the runtime calls update(def, env)
// again each time the environment variable changes
// (due to use of os.Setenv, for example).
//go:linkname setUpdate
func setUpdate(update func(string, string))

// registerMetric is provided by package runtime.
// It forwards registrations to runtime/metrics.
//go:linkname registerMetric
func registerMetric(name string, read func() uint64)

// setNewIncNonDefault is provided by package runtime.
// The runtime can do
//	inc := newNonDefaultInc(name)
// instead of
//	inc := godebug.New(name).IncNonDefault
// since it cannot import godebug.
//go:linkname setNewIncNonDefault
func setNewIncNonDefault(newIncNonDefault func(string) func())

func init() {}

func newIncNonDefault(name string) func() {}

var updateMu

// update records an updated GODEBUG setting.
// def is the default GODEBUG setting for the running binary,
// and env is the current value of the $GODEBUG environment variable.
func update(def, env string) {}

// parse parses the GODEBUG setting string s,
// which has the form k=v,k2=v2,k3=v3.
// Later settings override earlier ones.
// Parse only updates settings k=v for which did[k] = false.
// It also sets did[k] = true for settings that it updates.
// Each value v can also have the form v#pattern,
// in which case the GODEBUG is only enabled for call stacks
// matching pattern, for use with golang.org/x/tools/cmd/bisect.
func parse(did map[string]bool, s string) {}

type runtimeStderr

var stderr

func (*runtimeStderr) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

// Since we cannot import os or syscall, use the runtime's write function
// to print to standard error.
//go:linkname write runtime.write
func write(fd uintptr, p unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32