
type CtrlGroup

const DebugLog

var AlignUpPow2

const MaxTableCapacity

const MaxAvgGroupLoad

const maxAllocTest

func NewTestMap[K comparable, V any](hint uintptr) (*Map, *abi.SwissMapType) {}

func (m *Map) TableCount() int {}

// Total group count, summed across all tables.
func (m *Map) GroupCount() uint64 {}

// Return a key from a group containing no empty slots.
// Returns nil if there are no full groups.
// Returns nil if a group is full but contains entirely deleted slots.
// Returns nil if the map is small.
func (m *Map) KeyFromFullGroup(typ *abi.SwissMapType) unsafe.Pointer {}

// Returns nil if the map is small.
func (m *Map) TableFor(typ *abi.SwissMapType, key unsafe.Pointer) *table {}

func (t *table) GrowthLeft() uint64 {}

// Returns the start address of the groups array.
func (t *table) GroupsStart() unsafe.Pointer {}

// Returns the length of the groups array.
func (t *table) GroupsLength() uintptr {}