
const maxTableCapacity

var _

type table

func newTable(typ *abi.SwissMapType, capacity uint64, index int, localDepth uint8) *table {}

// reset resets the table with new, empty groups with the specified new total
// capacity.
func (t *table) reset(typ *abi.SwissMapType, capacity uint16) {}

// Preconditions: table must be empty.
func (t *table) resetGrowthLeft() {}

func (t *table) Used() uint64 {}

// Get performs a lookup of the key that key points to. It returns a pointer to
// the element, or false if the key doesn't exist.
func (t *table) Get(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map, key unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, bool) {}

// getWithKey performs a lookup of key, returning a pointer to the version of
// the key in the map in addition to the element.
// This is relevant when multiple different key values compare equal (e.g.,
// +0.0 and -0.0). When a grow occurs during iteration, iteration perform a
// lookup of keys from the old group in the new group in order to correctly
// expose updated elements. For NeedsKeyUpdate keys, iteration also must return
// the new key value, not the old key value.
// hash must be the hash of the key.
func (t *table) getWithKey(typ *abi.SwissMapType, hash uintptr, key unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer, bool) {}

func (t *table) getWithoutKey(typ *abi.SwissMapType, hash uintptr, key unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, bool) {}

// PutSlot returns a pointer to the element slot where an inserted element
// should be written, and ok if it returned a valid slot.
// PutSlot returns ok false if the table was split and the Map needs to find
// the new table.
// hash must be the hash of key.
func (t *table) PutSlot(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map, hash uintptr, key unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, bool) {}

// uncheckedPutSlot inserts an entry known not to be in the table, returning an
// entry to the element slot where the element should be written. Used by
// PutSlot after it has failed to find an existing entry to overwrite duration
// insertion.
// Updates growthLeft if necessary, but does not update used.
// Requires that the entry does not exist in the table, and that the table has
// room for another element without rehashing.
// Requires that there are no deleted entries in the table.
// Never returns nil.
func (t *table) uncheckedPutSlot(typ *abi.SwissMapType, hash uintptr, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {}

func (t *table) Delete(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map, key unsafe.Pointer) {}

// tombstones returns the number of deleted (tombstone) entries in the table. A
// tombstone is a slot that has been deleted but is still considered occupied
// so as not to violate the probing invariant.
func (t *table) tombstones() uint16 {}

// Clear deletes all entries from the map resulting in an empty map.
func (t *table) Clear(typ *abi.SwissMapType) {}

type Iter

// Init initializes Iter for iteration.
func (it *Iter) Init(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map) {}

func (it *Iter) Initialized() bool {}

// Map returns the map this iterator is iterating over.
func (it *Iter) Map() *Map {}

// Key returns a pointer to the current key. nil indicates end of iteration.
// Must not be called prior to Next.
func (it *Iter) Key() unsafe.Pointer {}

// Key returns a pointer to the current element. nil indicates end of
// iteration.
// Must not be called prior to Next.
func (it *Iter) Elem() unsafe.Pointer {}

// Next proceeds to the next element in iteration, which can be accessed via
// the Key and Elem methods.
// The table can be mutated during iteration, though there is no guarantee that
// the mutations will be visible to the iteration.
// Init must be called prior to Next.
func (it *Iter) Next() {}

// Replaces the table with one larger table or two split tables to fit more
// entries. Since the table is replaced, t is now stale and should not be
// modified.
func (t *table) rehash(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map) {}

// Bitmask for the last selection bit at this depth.
func localDepthMask(localDepth uint8) uintptr {}

// split the table into two, installing the new tables in the map directory.
func (t *table) split(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map) {}

// grow the capacity of the table by allocating a new table with a bigger array
// and uncheckedPutting each element of the table into the new table (we know
// that no insertion here will Put an already-present value), and discard the
// old table.
func (t *table) grow(typ *abi.SwissMapType, m *Map, newCapacity uint16) {}

type probeSeq

func makeProbeSeq(hash uintptr, mask uint64) probeSeq {}

func (s probeSeq) next() probeSeq {}