
const maxArgs

type timedEventArgs

type baseEvent

// extra returns a slice representing extra available space in args
// that the parser can use to pass data up into Event.
func (e *baseEvent) extra(v version.Version) []uint64 {}

type evTable

// addExtraString adds an extra string to the evTable and returns
// a unique ID for the string in the table.
func (t *evTable) addExtraString(s string) extraStringID {}

// getExtraString returns the extra string for the provided ID.
// The ID must have been produced by addExtraString for this evTable.
func (t *evTable) getExtraString(id extraStringID) string {}

type dataTable

// insert tries to add a mapping from id to s.
// Returns an error if a mapping for id already exists, regardless
// of whether or not s is the same in content. This should be used
// for validation during parsing.
func (d *dataTable[EI, E]) insert(id EI, data E) error {}

// compactify attempts to compact sparse into dense.
// This is intended to be called only once after insertions are done.
func (d *dataTable[EI, E]) compactify() {}

// get returns the E for id or false if it doesn't
// exist. This should be used for validation during parsing.
func (d *dataTable[EI, E]) get(id EI) (E, bool) {}

// forEach iterates over all ID/value pairs in the data table.
func (d *dataTable[EI, E]) forEach(yield func(EI, E) bool) bool {}

// mustGet returns the E for id or panics if it fails.
// This should only be used if id has already been validated.
func (d *dataTable[EI, E]) mustGet(id EI) E {}

type frequency

// mul multiplies an unprocessed to produce a time in nanoseconds.
func (f frequency) mul(t timestamp) Time {}

type stringID

type extraStringID

type stackID

type cpuSample

// asEvent produces a complete Event from a cpuSample. It needs
// the evTable from the generation that created it.
// We don't just store it as an Event in generation to minimize
// the amount of pointer data floating around.
func (s cpuSample) asEvent(table *evTable) Event {}

type stack

func (s stack) String() string {}

type frame